What you are about to present in your paper

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM131564620

Short Paper

Select a System/Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model and methodology then apply this model and methodology to the development of a new cyber intrusion detection tool. The specifics of the tool (i.e. software or network hardware) are up to you. The main goal for the system is to detect adversaries in a company network. Be sure to define the SDLC model and methodology and identify the specific actions associated with each SDLC step in the development of the system.

The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain a title page, five scholarly references, three to five pages of content.

Intro: Briefly summarize (1 paragraph) what you are about to present in your paper and the main purpose of writing your paper (what you want the reader to gain from reading your paper).

Body: The main section of your paper. This is where you present your information, citing sources to backup your information. Make sure the information you are presenting here matches the directions for the assignment. For example, in Research Paper 2, you may want to discuss the many SDLC Models and Methodologies available, justify the SDLC Model and Methodology you selected for your Intrusion Detection System development project, and go through the actions that would occur for each step specifically to develop the Intrusion Detection System.

Conclusion: Briefly summarize (1 paragraph) what you just presented. You should present no new information in the Conclusion section.

Reference no: EM131564620

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