What you accomplished with your configuration

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131324128

Topic 1: Wireless Technologies

Create a short essay (1 to 3 pages) that describes how you will set up a wireless network for the Nardi Pardy Corporation (a fictitious company). In this simple scenario, the company offices are in a one story concrete building (80 feet wide and 100 feet long). The wireless access point's ethernet port will interconnect directly to the Ethernet switch that is hosting the company's LAN, so the default gateway for the company LAN will also be the default gateway for the wireless access point's wireless clients. The diagram below shows the overall network layout.


Discuss what options you will configure in the wireless access point, including any security related options that you deem appropriate. List your configuration settings in a table that identifies:

• What the option is
• How you configured it
• What you accomplished with your configuration

Include your references at the end of your essay.

Topic 2: Network Management

Create a short essay (1 to 3 pages) that examines an open source Network Monitoring/Management System (NMS). A NMS includes an entire suite of monitoring and management tools, including a management console with a dashboard where the network administrators can see a representation of the state of the network. A NMS will include "agents" that are deployed on the various nodes and network components that are being monitored, and these agents are in communication with the management console. A NMS will have some means of alerting the network administrators of problems and exception events.

In your examination and analysis of an open source NMS, discuss:

• What features does it offer?
• What can it monitor?
• What operating systems does it run on (usually either Linux and/or Windows)?
• What dependencies does it have (meaning, what is required for it to run)?
• What training and support is available (if any)?

You will need to do some in depth research to complete this assignment.You may use marketing descriptions found on product websites as references, but do not simply copy this information.You can get started by looking at some popular open source NMS systems such as Zabbix, Big Brother, Open NMS and Nagios.

Include your references at the end of your essay.

Reference no: EM131324128

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