What year was the organization or company established

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Reference no: EM133657166

Homework: Project- Presentation

Project Description

The use of digital and social media can have a profound effect on society. This project requires you to research and report on an organization or company who has used or is using digital or social media to create a profound effect, impact, or influence on others.

Project Consists of:

A. Project Requirements (topics and content to cover)
B. Presentation Requirements (content organization)
C. Submission Requirements (how to submit your homework)
D. Presentation Resources

Project Requirements

Select an organization or company that used or uses digital or social media to impact others. CREATE A PRESENTATION (using a professional presentation application such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, or Apple Keynote for the Mac) highlighting the information you found.

Select a different company than the one you used in project.

Section I: Organization or Company Information

Provide the following information about the organization or company you select. Answer the questions below:

Item A: What is the name of the organization or company?

Item B: What year was the organization or company established?

Item C: What is the organization's or company's goal or mission?

Item D: Provide the company's or organization's website address (URL), if available.

Item E: Where is the company or organization's headquarters located?

Section II: Description of the Digital or Social Media Influence

Describe how digital or social media was used to influence others while answering the following questions:

Item A: Describe how digital or social media was used to influence others. Provide at least one example, instance, or situation that highlights this influence.

Item B: In the example, instance, or situation you provided in Item 1, what specific digital or social media platforms were used (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat, Pinterest, or YouTube) and how were they used?

Item C: What occurred as the result of the use of digital or social media? Describe the impact or magnitude of the change.

To help you with completing Section II, an example is provided below:

Section II Example 1: Invisible Children - Kony 2012

In 2012, an organization called Invisible Children created and posted a 30 minute movie on YouTube to launch a campaign they called "Kony 2012."

The Kony 2012 campaign was an effort to capture James Kony, who was portrayed as a ruthless rebel leader in Uganda who committed numerous atrocities against humanity, including kidnapping and murder.

The Kony 2012 campaign had a tremendous impact. The video generated over 100 million YouTube Views. Over 20 million dollars was donated to support the effort to capture James Kony

To help you with completing Section II, a second example is provided below:

Section I Example 2: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

In 2016, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association (ALS) organized the Ice Bucket Challenge. The challenge involved pouring a bucket filled with ice and water over a person's head, followed by the person nominating 3 people who then had to take the challenge. The person would then making a contribution to ALS research. The challenge quickly became viral, gaining support and participation from celebrities. As a result of the challenge, traffic to the ALS web page increased, over 250,000 new donors signed up, and over 13.3 million dollars was raised.

Section III: Analysis

What was the full impact of the use of Digital or Social Media?

Item A: Was the change created by the use of digital or social media positive or negative (or both) in your opinion?

Item B: How successful was the company in accomplishing the objective? Support your answer.

Item C: List one thing the company could have done better to accomplish their objective.

To help you with completing Section 3, we have provided two examples below:

Section III Example 1: Invisible Children - Kony 2012

The Kony 2012 campaign had both positive and negative results:

The Kony 2012 campaign received global attention. This attention lead to political and military action. The US government, lead by President Obama, backed a mission of 5,000 soldiers to James Kony.

James Kony has not been caught. Some people even believe that he is no longer living or a threat to the region.

Section III Example 2: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The Ice Bucket Challenge was extremely successful. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge increased the level of awareness of ALS and was extremely positive.

The Ice Bucket Challenge campaign has ended. In order to sustain the effort by coming up with a new challenge each year. One idea would be to use a number of celebrities to start the new challenge every year. Also, the association could do a better job of showing how the money donated has gone to furthering the cause. I would also create a thank you video from current ALS patients. The key here is to find ways to take advantage of the momentum the Ice Bucket Challenge initially created.

Reference no: EM133657166

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