What year produced the most pounds of fish

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Reference no: EM131740530


Cloud. This case study introduces SAP Business Analytics Cloud to use data visualization to analyze NOAA fish data.

This case study introduces SAP Business Analytics Cloud to use data visualization to analyze NOAA fish data.

Data Visualization

The human visual system has evolved to be particularly good at recognizing patterns. Data visualization has become a standard analytical tool which capitalizes on the ability of humans to recognize patterns within massive quantities of multi-dimensional data generated by business information systems. Many scientific studies have led to the creation of visualization models that utilize human perception and cognition.

When the number of dimensions is small, we can use standard graphing techniques for visualization e.g. bar charts, line charts, histograms, pie charts and scatter plots.

When the number of dimensions is large, there are several novel techniques for visualizing such data. They are categorized into the following major areas - For more information on these visualization techniques, please refer to the journal reference in the footnote.

A. Pixel-oriented Techniques
a. Space filling curves
b. Recursive pattern
c. Snake-Spiral
d. Circle segments

B. Geometric Projection Techniques
a. Parallel coordinates
b. Scatter plot matrix
c. Hyperbox
d. Trellis display
e. Self-organizing maps

C. Icon-based Techniques
a. Star glyphs
b. Color icons
c. Stick figures
d. Chernoff faces

D. Hierarchical and Graph-based Techniques
a. Dimensional stacking
b. Cone trees
c. Mosaic plots
d. Fractal foam

Business Analytics 1 - Highest revenue year for Atlantic Cod

Question: What year had the highest total revenue for Atlantic Cod? What was the amount of the revenue?

Business Analytics 2 - Catch by Year

Question: What year produced the most pounds of fish? What was the amount of fish in that year?

Business Analytics 3 - Best Revenue Producing Industries

Question: Display the top 5 revenue producing industries (Herring, Cod, etc)?
Which of these industries has the highest overall total revenue? What was its revenue?

Business Analytics 4 - Price per pound

Question: What year had the highest price per pound for King Crab? What is the amount in that year?

Business Analytics 5 - Branded Spiny Lobster contribution

Question: What percent of the total revenue for the years 2005 - 2015 did the Branded Spiny Lobster contribute? What was the amount of the total revenue during this period?

Business Analytics 6 - Rockfish Analysis

Question: Of all the species of Rockfish, what was the 3rd highest producing fish species and revenue for the years 2005-2015? What was the lowest of the TOP Seven (7)?

Business Analytics 7 - Shark! Shark!

Question: In terms of pounds, what is the most fished Shark species? How many pounds of this specie were taken during the years 2005-2015?

Business Analytics 8 - Best Price per Pound

Question: What Shark produced the highest price per pound? How much was the price per pound? What was the lowest price per pound paid for a Shark? What Shark species had the lowest price per pound?

Business Analytics 9 - Projecting your future

Background: You are in the Cod fishing business in the north Atlantic, off the New England coast. As we saw in exercise #1, this past year was the worst ever.....there are basically no Cod fish left! Your future and your family's future is at stake! What are you going to do?

Question: Graphically compare the past 10 years of Cod fishing in the Atlantic versus the Pacific and make a case for whether, and why, you should keep your one boat where it is currently on the Atlantic, or move your family and your boat to the Pacific.

1. What has been the 10 year trend of Pacific Cod versus Atlantic Cod?

2. What were the Pacific Cod revenues in 2015?

Business Analytics 10 - Tough Decisions!

Background: Turns out you have a lot of family in New England and your spouse and kids do not wish to move to the Pacific with you so you can continue to catch Cod. All you know is fishing so you're going to stay in New England and fish, but what are you going to fish for? Do some research on the web and find out what's happening in the area, what are other fishermen doing and write a one paragraph essay as to what you are going to start fishing for (it can't be Lobster nor Shrimp because your boat isn't that type of boat, it's for fish!). You need to support this decision with either the data you find on the Web (be sure to provide a full citation for the data), or by using the supplied NOAA data. Show this graphically in question #2 below.


1. Even though you're not going to become a Lobsterman, from your research you have discovered why lobster are being harvested more than ever. Explain why more and more American Lobster are being harvested each year and show this graphically (years 2005-15) in a yearly colored bar chart. What was the total 2015 Revenue for American Lobster?

2. There is one fish in your data that is mentioned quite often on the Web Click Here. It just so happens that more of these are moving north into the now warmer New England waters. So Cod fishermen are beginning to fish these. Produce a chart showing the yearly revenues of this fish from 2005-2015. What was the 2015 total revenue for this fish?

Attachment:- Business Objects.rar

Verified Expert

Solution file is prepared in ms word using sap business analytic tool in cloud using novaa fishing data to answer all questions in the assignment and also attached screen shots of each question answers. In this assignment we used different charts like pie,bar , heat map,donut chart etc.

Reference no: EM131740530

Questions Cloud

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What year produced the most pounds of fish : What year had the highest total revenue for Atlantic Cod? What was the amount of the revenue - What year produced the most pounds of fish? What was the amount
Discuss the strategies the company utilizes to get product : Discuss the strategies this company utilizes to get their product(s) distributed internationally and how they address risks and meet business demands.
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What market structure do you think best describes : What market structure do you think best describes this industry nationwide? Is this a monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, or perfect competition?
What is meant by the phrase paper fortress : How does maintaining a paper fortress aid the employer when the employee claims unfair treatment?



4/14/2018 5:36:28 AM

Excellent Work! Always on time, whenever hired, already done several times, Superb. Highly recommend!!! Follows the directions very well. Did a fantastic job on my assignment. would choose again for sure.


12/18/2017 5:31:54 AM

Its complete, including questions 9 & 10 thanks for adding the the graphic as well , i have found the complete assignment thanks.


11/28/2017 3:00:27 AM

Attached you will find an assignment that consists of 10 exercises, each worth 10 points. The exercises are completed through a cloud based system called SAP Business Objects which gives you a graphical view of "big data" that has been uploaded to the system This case study introduces SAP Business Analytics Cloud to use data visualization to analyze NOAA fish data.

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