Reference no: EM131135037
QUESTION 1. You are an industrial hygienist for a major pharmaceutical company. The CEO has contacted you regarding a new product line that will be produced in your facility. The new product involves the handling and use of an engineered nanomaterial. To date, your company's health and safety program has not had to address any safety concerns associated with handling and use of these materials. Using the NIOSH document from the required reading as your authoritative source (, prepare a three- to five-page "white paper" that provides an overview of engineered materials and includes a discussion of the following:
• background and industry overview of engineered nanomaterials
• exposure control strategies
• nanotechnology processes and engineering controls
• hazard control evaluations
• health hazards associated with exposures, and
• conclusions and recommendations.
As you prepare your paper, keep in mind that this should be a high-level overview that is understandable to all employees in the organization: from upper management to production workers. All sources used, including your textbook, should be cited and referenced properly using APA format.
QUESTION 2. Please solve the following problem, indicating your response on a Word document and submitting the document via File Upload.
Using the following formula, solve the problem below, and show your work.
(TWA = CaTa + CbTb + ... + CnTn) / 8
TWA = Time-Weighted Average
Ca = Concentration of contaminant during the sampling period "a"
Ta = Time of sampling period "a"
Cb = Concentration of contaminant during the sampling period "b"
Tb = Time of sampling period "b"
Cn = Concentration of contaminant during the sampling period "n", where "n" is the last of a series of contaminants
Tn = Time of sampling period "n"
Note: All concentrations are in parts contaminant per million parts of air or milligrams of contaminant per cubic meter of air.
Air Sampling Problem: You are an industrial hygienist that is conducting personal sampling on a worker who is overseeing a production process involving use of toluene (Note: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has established a Permissible Exposure Limit of 200 parts per million (ppm)). You are able to measure the following exposures:
500 ppm for 1 hour
100 ppm for 4 hours
225 ppm for 3 hours
What is the calculated TWA? What would you tell plant management in terms of exposure to toluene and compliance with the PEL?
Answer must be in WORD FORMAT
You are an industrial hygienist conducting personal sampling on a worker who is overseeing a production process involving use of acetone (Note: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has established a Permissible Exposure Limit of 1000 parts per million (ppm) of acetone). You are able to measure the following exposures:
700 ppm for 3 hours
1300 ppm for 2 hours
900 ppm for 3 hours
What is the calculated TWA? What would you tell plant management in terms of exposure to acetone and compliance with the PEL?
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