What would you say to help this student

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Reference no: EM133582029

Question: What would you say to help this student? The teacher means that writing about four years of your life is a huge project and would be too much for this assignment. The teacher means that readers only like stories that are short.

Reference no: EM133582029

Questions Cloud

What should the nurse consider as a possible cause for this : What should the nurse consider as a possible cause for this change in behavior? Delirium Dementia Depression Social isolation
How might hinduism contribute to your understanding : How might Hinduism contribute to your understanding of religion, nursing and the importance of understanding and respecting religious diversity in your work
Express rate of individual to keep and bear arms : The Supreme Court ruled that there was no express rate of an individual to keep and Bear arms in; United States V MillerThe Supreme Court ruled
Did literacy ruin the samurai in japan as warrior vassals : Research paper Did literacy ruin the samurai in Japan as warrior vassals? How did literate samurai fit into the changed society of the late 18th century?
What would you say to help this student : What would you say to help this student? The teacher means that writing about four years of your life is a huge project and would be too much
How does the financial health of healthways clinic affect : how does the financial health of Healthways clinic affect the implementation of YOUR project.?
Have strong ties to your readings and outside research : Have a clearly indentified introduction, body, and conclusion. Do not submit a Q and A. Use APA first, second and third level headings to organize your paper
What is the priority intervention : There is a 15mmHg decrease in blood pressure during inspiration. Upon exam, it is noted the patient has jugular venous distention and heart tones are muffled.
African-american experience non-linear : Why/how is the African/African-American experience non-linear? What are the roles of griots (also know as djelis) in West African culture?


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