What would you do to amend each job to improve effectiveness

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131418145 , Length: word count:1000

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Required to find two job ads from any available sources such as newspapers, magazines, or internet; it is preferred that you select one job ad that you consider as well designed and another one that you consider as badly designed. Your assignment is to apply the AIDA model to critique the two job ads and answer the following two questions:

1- Using theAIDA criteria, what would you consider the positive and the negative aspects of each job ad?

2- What would you do to amend each job to improve its effectiveness in order to attract the best qualified applicants.
according to the below designing effective job advertisement attached

Response should be 4 pages/ 1000 words plus references

APA formatting

Attachment:- designing_effective_job_advertisements-2.rar

Reference no: EM131418145

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