Reference no: EM133489355
I. Lee's cover illustrates important places and landmarks that are relevant to his experiences. What places and landmarks have shaped you thus far? What are the most memorable places and landmarks you find yourself reflecting upon?
II. Lee dedicates this book to his family. If you were to create a novel, who would you dedicate it to and why?
III. In "Labyrinth" Lee writes about Mr. Tay getting lost on his way back home. How do you feel you are navigating your classes and higher education at this point in the semester? OR Write about a time that you felt you were going in circles or that you were lost. What did you do to get on the right track?
IV. In "Sweatshop" Mr. Tay feels disconnected from his son Peter and attributes it to his schooling. How might you explain your college experience to a loved one?
V. In "Blue Sky" Julie sings as a coping mechanism after her customer, Jennifer, refuses to pay her for altering her dress. Many students might meditate, play basketball, listen to music, or exercise as coping mechanism to deal with stress. What are some of your coping mechanism when things get stressful or don't go as planned?
VI. Hongdari notes the intersection of personal experiences with historical and political events as part of his critical consciousness of what it means to be Korean and an immigrant in America. As a generation, you have lived through the once-in-a-lifetime experience of the pandemic as well as the effects of racism, capitalism, climate change, war, and social and political movements toward equity and equality. Which social and political events shaped your identities and your emerging critical consciousness?
VII. Your classmate Sam moved in with their girlfriend, Tara, of 6 months. Not too long after, Sam tells you they slowly started feeling unhappy and stuck. Tara's behavior has since changed and has been all over the place - one moment she was putting Sam down, calling them names, and telling them they are ugly - the next moment she was begging for forgiveness, making excuses for her behavior, and telling her how much she loves Sam. Things seem to get better for some time, but then they just get worse again. Last week, Sam confronted Tara and suggested they take a break. She told Sam she didn't want to break up - she wouldn't know what to do, and she might harm herself if she was alone.
After class one night, you notice Sam and Tara parked in Sam's car in the student parking lot and you can hear them arguing. You hear Tara yelling at Sam and see Sam crying.
1. Warning signs: What are 1-2 things you notice about the situation that concerns you?
2. Stepping In: As a bystander, what would you do in this situation to step in? Which of the 5 D's (Distract, Delegate, Direct, Document, Delay) might you use?
3. Resources: What are 1-2 campus resources or supports might be helpful to the person(s) involved?