Reference no: EM131301067 , Length: 3
This Assignment assesses the following course outcomes:
Evaluate developmental milestones of behavior based on psychological theories.
GEL1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.
GEL- 8.3: Formulate a logical solution to a problem.
For your Unit 7 Assignment, you will write a paper in which you act as a human service worker to analyze a case study. The purpose of this paper is to challenge you to use your formal writing/thinking skills to evaluate the scenario using the developmental theories you have studied.
Talia, a 17-year-old biracial (Caucasian/Asian) female, is currently a senior in high school. She lives with her mother and her younger brother. The family is currently struggling financially. Talia's parents divorced when she was 4 and her father moved away; their contact with him is infrequent. She sometimes feels as though a part of her identity is "missing" as she has learned very little about her Asian background and culture due to the absence of her father over the years. Talia has experienced a drop in self-esteem over the past year due to developmental struggles. She is beginning to feel pressure about her future plans and is having trouble making a decision. She has attended a vocational program for cosmetology during her junior and senior year, but is also interested in teaching or possibly culinary school.
Using Erikson's theory of psychosocial development or Marcia's approach to identity development, assess Talia's current struggle with her future plans.
Assignment #2
Assignment Description:
For this Assignment you will write a 2-3 page essay addressing the topic of decision-making and the heuristics that can influence decision-making. Your essay should be well organized, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. You should incorporate information from your course textbook and one other credible academic source to support your essay.
In this unit you learned that decisions can be influenced by heuristics, in particular the representative heuristic, the availability heuristic and the anchoring and adjustment heuristic. In this Assignment you are going to create three different case studies illustrating situations where a client has used each of these heuristics to make a decision. You will describe the clients' thought processes involved in using each heuristic to make a decision. For each case study, you will discuss whether the heuristic led the client to a good or bad decision. Finally, you should discuss how you would demonstrate professionalism as a psychologist working with a client who has made a bad decision due to a decision-making heuristic. In particular, you should explain how you would convey characteristics such as reliability, accountability and timeliness to your client.
Requirements for this Assignment:
The guidelines for your paper are as follows:
A title page, introduction with thesis statement and conclusion. Below is a link to help you with your introduction and conclusion:
Write a case study describing a client who has used the representative heuristic to make a decision, explaining the thought processes involved in making the decision. Discuss whether the representative heuristic led the client to a good or bad decision. You must demonstrate an accurate understanding of the representative heuristic and clearly link the case study to this decision-making heuristic. The discussion should be supported by information from the textbook or credible academic resource.
Write a case study describing a client who has used the availability heuristic to make a decision, explaining the thought processes involved in making the decision. Discuss whether the availability heuristic led the client to a good or bad decision. You must demonstrate an accurate understanding of the availability heuristic and clearly link the case study to this decision-making heuristic. The discussion should be supported by information from the textbook or credible academic resource.
Write a case study describing a client who has used the anchoring and adjustment heuristic to make a decision, explaining the thought processes involved in making the decision. Discuss whether the anchoring and adjustment heuristic led the client to a good or bad decision. You must demonstrate an accurate understanding of the anchoring and adjustment heuristic and clearly link the case study to this decision-making heuristic. The discussion should be supported by information from the textbook or credible academic resource.
Discuss how you would demonstrate professionalism as a psychologist working with a client who has made a bad decision due to a decision-making heuristic, explaining how you would convey characteristics such as reliability, accountability and timeliness. In particular, you should discuss the following issues:
(1) Reliability - How would you ensure you are up to date with information in your field so that you can provide clients with reliable information and answer questions accurately?
(2) Accountability - What would you do if you realized that you had provided a client with incorrect information?
(3) Timeliness - How would you make sure you are providing clients with correct information in a timely manner, whilst ensuring the accuracy of the information you are providing?
Your paper should be 2-3 pages, not including the title page or reference page.
Your paper should include a reference to the textbook and at least one additional credible academic resource. Below is a link to help you with your citations:
Your paper must be APA formatted, including references, title page, 1" margins on all sides, 12 point font size, and double spacing. Information regarding APA formatting and citation can be found in the Writing Center and should be reviewed thoroughly. Below is a link to the document:
Your paper should use Standard American English including correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and complete sentences and paragraphs. Your paper should be free of typographical errors.
Your paper should include a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.
Your paper should demonstrate superior organization. Communication should be highly ordered, logical, and unified.
Examine the influence of culture and cultural identity on Talia's situation.
Suggest interventions to assist Talia in resolving her current conflict and to improve her self-esteem.
While the text is your main source for this project, you should use a minimum of one other research article from peer-reviewed journals that you found in the .
This project should be written adhering to the guidelines of Standard American Englishincluding correct spelling and punctuation , and should be between 3-4 pages long, not including the title page and the reference page. Papers are to be written in paragraph format (including an introduction and conclusion paragraph) and should follow standard APA guidelines including one inch margins, double spaced, and 12 pt font. You are required to give credit to the sources you use, and to use proper APA formatting and citation style. Refer to the Kaplan Writing Center, or your instructor for help with APA. Remember that all work must be your own and that plagiarism is not tolerated.
In your paper, be sure to provide the following:
The full-text citation for your texts and articles to support your statements.
A title page and reference page with a minimum of five references.
An introduction.
Conclusion or summary.