Reference no: EM133272067
Case: Mr H is a 14-year-old male who was brought to the emergency department after collapsing at school. He arrives to the ER lethargic but is able to tell you his name. He is accompanied by his mother. His mother tells you he has been more tired recently but she thought it was due to his sports schedule and he has been staying up late to complete his homework assignments. He is a well-adapted student who plays hockey and has not had any issues in school. He has no medical history. Mom reports other than a minor cold he has not been sick or in the hospital.
1. Based on this scenario what other questions might you consider asking the mom?(2 pt)
Mom does report he has had a recent weight loss despite still having an appetite. She recently had to buy him new pants and noticed she needed to buy smaller size. On exam you notice he has Kaussmaul respirations and fruity breath. You check a blood glucose level and get a reading of 500. He also has ketones in his urine. Based on these diagnostic and exam findings answer the following:
Question 1. What would the most appropriate diagnosis for this patient (here please give me the medical diagnosis).
Question 2. Based on the exam, diagnostic findings and diagnosis what would you anticipate would need to be ordered at this time (please be specific here)?
Question 3. Based on your what above what nursing considerations are important when considering the pharmacologic intervention, you chose above? (i.e., labs, other diagnostic test, assessment findings, etc).
Question 4. Mr. H is transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit where he spends several days until his blood glucose is under control. The nurse is planning for his discharge in a few days. What pharmacologic agent(s) would you anticipate would need to be ordered for Mr H prior to discharge? Based on this answer what teaching would you provide for how Mr H is to take his medication(s) and what he needs to monitor for?