What would the fed do if wanted to raise interest rates

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13232981

During the summer of 1997, Congress and the president agreed on a budget package to balance the federal budget. The "deal," signed into law by President Clinton in August as the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, contained substantial tax cuts and expenditure reductions. The tax reductions were scheduled to take effect immediately, however, while the expenditure cuts would come mostly in 1999 to 2002. Thus in 1998, the package was seen by economists to be mildly expansionary. This solution answers these economic riddles 'what will happen to the interest rate if the objective is an increase in the growth of real output/income?', What would you expect to happen to interest rates if the Fed holds the money supply (or the rate of growth of the money supply) constant? and What would the Fed do if wanted to raise interest rates? What if it wanted to lower interest rates?'

Reference no: EM13232981

Questions Cloud

Explain the ada deficiency : ADA deficiency is arecessive trait which is eventually lethal. Seven years ago a boywith ADA deficiency, who had beenreceiving treatment for the genetic disease for the entire sevenyears of his young life
Explain how many hours are required for the concentration : If it takes 8.5 for the concentration of to decrease from 0.90 to 0.45 , how many hours are required for the concentration to decrease from 0.40 to 0.10
What will happen to the equilibrium interest rate : Illustrate the following situations using supply and demand curves for money. No graph needed only state what will happen to the supply and/ or demand curves for money and what will happen to the equilibrium interest rate.
Define what is the value of ea : Pt(NH3)2cl2+h2o yields pt(NH3)2(H2o)cl+cl- has a rate that increases by a factor of 15 and a temeprature that inceases from 25 tp 50 degrees celsius what is the value of Ea?
What would the fed do if wanted to raise interest rates : During the summer of 1997, Congress and the president agreed on a budget package to balance the federal budget. The "deal," signed into law by President Clinton in August as the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, contained substantial tax cuts and expen..
Describe the life cycle of plasmodium : Describe the lifecycle of Plasmodium, the parasite that causes malaria.Start with infection. Describe the role of the sporozoites,merozoites, and gamteocytes in the life cycle
Explain dilute to obtain the desired concentration : The molecular weight of NADH is 663.43g ans it's absorbance coefficient is 6220 M^-1 cm^-1. How much of your solution do you have to dilute to obtain the desired concentration not exceeding volume of 1mL?
When you need to return the value of a function : In C programming: When you need to return the value of a function and you are not allowed to use the normal return value of the function, could you do it using: Call_by_val or Call_by_reference?
Explain why is the yield to maturity necessarily less : to pay for college, you have just taken out a $1000 gov. loan that makes you to pay $126 per year for 25 years. however, you don't have to start making the payment until you graduate from college two years from now.


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