What would the college admissions process look like

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Reference no: EM133584212

Question: Consider how your Bad Habit relates to the college admissions process*

Work through the following questions, making as many connections as you can between college admissions and the Bad Habit.

How do you see this Bad Habit of Design operating in the college admissions process? Include as many examples and details as you can.
Who benefits? How do they benefit?
Who is harmed? How are they harmed?
What might you do as a first step to reducing the harmful effects of this Bad Habit?

Redesign the college admissions process

What would the college admissions process look like without your Bad Habit? Envision a version of college admissions where the stakeholder (in many cases, a student applicant) is empowered, included, and/or welcomed.

Reference no: EM133584212

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