What would the code for a java application look like

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131565619

What would the code for a java application look like with these requirements

Prompts the user at the command line for one 3-character string.

Then (after the user inputs that first 3-character string) prompts the user for another 3-character string.

Then prints out the two input strings with a space between them.

Finally prints on a separate line the two input strings 'in reverse' (see example below) with a space between them.

So, for example, if the first string is 'usr' and the second string is 'bin', your program would output the following:

The two strings you entered are: usr bin.

The two strings in reverse are: nib rsu.

Note that the reversed SECOND string comes FIRST when printing the strings in reverse.

Reference no: EM131565619

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