Reference no: EM13801464
EXERCISE: Make Subject Matter Your Own
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It is important to take the subject matter as your own, to participate in the construction of your own knowledge. With that in mind, review some of your personal history. Think back on courses you took more than 2 years ago. In short answers, respond to each question. Make sure you include the question prior to your answer.
What is an example of something you learned in a course that still has major importance in your thinking or your life?
What is an example of a course you took that had no long-term influence on your life?
How can I make this present course I'm taking more like the first example? How can I use it to bring value to my life?
A MODEL: DIVIDE THE PAGE NOTE TAKING [We'll discuss this in class so have the model handy.]
Instructions: Divide a page in half vertically. Keep notes to a minimum using key words and phrases. Expand on your thoughts under each of the following headings.
EXERCISE: POINT OF VIEW Post your response in My Reactions: CT DEADLINE: 8pm, Wednesday, 1/21
There are physical points of view and psychological ones. If you write your name in the blanks below you'll end up with an accurate (and sometimes profound) sentence:
______________ is the center of my point of view. Everything I think about is from the viewpoint of _________'s mind.
If you were to substitute words, what would they be?
EXERCISE: Apply the standards of thinking well Post your response in My Reactions: CT DEADLINE: 8pm, Wednesday, 1/21
Take a concept like "terrorist" and try to get clear about it by asking yourself about the implications of being a terrorist: [Bring a copy of your response to class.]
What would someone who is a terrorist do?
What would a terrorist refrain from doing?
Is there anything you can think of that people who are terrorists would HAVE to do? (If they didn't they wouldn't be terrorists).
What are the links between terrorism and other related terms, such as violence, freedom fighter, innocent victims and political motives?
Version 2 Evaluate the accuracy of the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You can probably think of a 100 examples in favor of this generalization. But that doesn't show that the generalization is accurate pure and simple. Think of a good counterexample: a case where it would be wrong for a person to do something unto others, even if the person would want others to do the same thing unto him or her.
You can be faced with 3 different types of questions. Each requires a different type of answer.
Fact - Ex. What is the most populous country in the world today?
Opinion or Subjective Preference - Ex. What was your reaction to Shakespeare in Love?
Reasoned Judgment ex. How can I improve my test scores in my xx class? In what major ways did Leonardo embody the spirit of the Renaissance?