What would logical next step you would take to address this

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Reference no: EM133585558

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Imagine that you are carrying out a public health surveillance of obesity in your community, and you find out that one race and age group seems to have a consistent burden of disease compared to the other groups. If you were a public health official, what would be a logical next step you would take to address this?

Reference no: EM133585558

Questions Cloud

Caring for infant admitted with supplemental iron ingestion : A nurse is caring for an infant admitted with supplemental iron ingestion and is experiencing metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia, and fever.
Clinic with ongoing symptoms of urinary frequency : A 75-year-old man presents to the clinic with ongoing symptoms of urinary frequency.
Describe one of the prominent cases of the abuse of animals : Describe one of the prominent cases of the abuse of animals in research (Generali, Taub, etc.) discussed in your text and how that case has influenced public
Draw the interaction plots : Draw the interaction plots. and what s your recommendation of the percent carbonation (A). the operating pressure (B). and the line speed (C)
What would logical next step you would take to address this : Imagine that you are carrying out a public health. If you were a public health official, what would be a logical next step you would take to address this?
What are some firearm characteristics that you believe : what are some firearm characteristics that you believe can be altered to improve the barrel harmonics? After conducting outside research on the subject
Write analysis of the importance of teaching manding skills : Write An analysis of the importance of teaching manding skills to Xavier first. An explanation of the role that motivation plays in teaching manding.
Explain how coughing or straining can cause light headedness : Explain how coughing or straining (Valsalva manoeuvre) can cause light headedness (Hint: venous return and intrathoracic pressure concepts need to be included
Fibrosis play in the body response to injury : What purpose do spasms, adhesions, and fibrosis play in the body's response to an injury?


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