Reference no: EM133203607 , Length: Wrod Count: 200 words.
Discussion Post: Brand Obituary Marketing
I. Today's consumers are inundated with brand content from all directions.
For example, think about all the ways you interact with popular brands such as Nike, Apple, and Starbucks to name just a few.
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) means that companies must carefully coordinate all of these customer touch points to ensure clear, compelling, and consistent brand messages.
IMC planning recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communications mediums and combines these promotional mix tools to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communications impact.
Select a nationally-known company and discuss how they design and display a well-integrated marketing communications effort. Typically, this will show how they integrate the clout of big-budgeted traditional media (print, electronic, and outdoor) with the power of using various social media platforms to create personalized, real-time customer engagement.
II. Writing a Brand Obituary
1. What would happen if your company ceased to exist?
2. Would customers mourn your passing, or would the demise of your brand go unnoticed?
3. Thousands of companies come and go every year, barely leaving a trace of their existence. Even many large corporations are easily forgotten - like those in the airline industry. Remember TWA which ceased operations in 2001, or more recently, Alitalia, which went out of business in October, 2021 after 74 years as Italy's government-owned airline.
4. How do you build a brand that would be missed? How do you carve out such a distinctive position and create such a powerful emotional connection? You drill down to the core of your existence to identify the essential, enduring value of your brand. Being crystal clear about your brand essence is critical.
5. Some organizations enjoy that clarity, but for those who don't, there are several ways to achieve it. One is an exercise called "Writing a Brand Obituary." Pretend you are a reporter for a local newspaper who has been assigned to write the obituary for this person - your brand - who recently passed away. This invented scenario can help you uncover the true nature of your brand.
Here are some questions to answer in the obituary:
• What was the brand's biggest accomplishment in life? What will it be remembered for?
• Who did the brand leave behind? What did the brand leave unaccomplished?
• What lessons can be learned from the brand's life?
• Now that the brand is gone, what will take its place?
Once you've completed writing the column (100-150 words), write a headline to capture the essence of the obituary - the headline, in turn, often captures the essence of your brand. By imaging a future without your brand, you can create one in which it not only survives, but thrives, and make a lasting impression that is exceptional, sustainable, and memorable.
Some of the companies to consider:
1. Pan American World Airways
2. Oldsmobile
3. Borders Bookstore
4. DeLorean Motor Company
5. Blockbuster Video
6. Toys R Us.