What would concern you most as a former client

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Reference no: EM133512328

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Part I

Topic: Distinguish Terms

A. For this activity, you will compare and contrast how professional associations explain confidentiality, privacy, and privilege.

B. Visit the web sites of at least three of the counseling-oriented organizations listed at the end of this activity.

1. Review what each organization discusses regarding confidentiality, privacy, and privilege.

2. How does each organization explain the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and how federal law may affect its members?

3. What does each organization explain to its members about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?

C. Next, using the information gathered from your web search and course readings:

1. List at least one ethical implications of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for psychologists.

2. List at least one ethical implications of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for psychologists.

3. Finally, explain if there are ever instances in which therapists can reveal what a client tells him.

List of Counseling-Oriented Organization to Choose From

1. American Art Therapy Association, AATA
2. American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, AAMFT
3. American Counseling Association, ACA
4. American Mental Health Counselors Association, AMHCA
5. American Psychiatric Association, ApA
6. American Psychological Association, APA
7. American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
8. California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, CAMFT
9. Canadian Psychological Association, CPA
10. Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification: Code of Professional Ethics
11. Feminist Therapy Institute, FTI
12. National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors, NAADAC
13. National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
14. National Association of Social Workers, NASW
15. National Board for Certified Counselors, NBCC
16. United States Association for Body Psychotherapy, USABP

Part II

Topic: Relationships with clients

Consider what the APA ethics state regarding sexual relationships with a former client.

A. Does it adequately protect the patient's rights? Explain your answer, using both course readings and additional research.

B. What would concern you most as a former client?

C. What would concern you most as a therapist?

Part III

Topic: Tarasoff Case

YouTube Video: "Tarasoff Murder Case | Duty to Warn vs. Duty to Protect".

Locate at least three legitimate web sites that discuss Tarasoff v. California Board of Regents. Explain why the Tarasoff case is so important to the field of counseling by analyzing the following questions:

A. Do you think that Dr. Moore acted appropriately in the Tarasoff case? Explain your answer.

B. What type of delusion did Prosenjit Poddar have?

C. Do you think that psychologists should have to warn all potential victims of their clients? Why or why not?

D. Finally, would you view the Tarasoff principle as a duty to protect or a duty to warn? Explain.

Reference no: EM133512328

Questions Cloud

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