What would clinician use to evaluate a person psychological

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Reference no: EM131146717

1. An increase in fear and heart rate, trembling, sweating, and dread characterize a(n):

a. panic attack

b. galvanic skin response

c. increase in parasympathetic activity

d. Type A person

2. An explanation of gender differences in responding to stress is that:

a. women need to gather belongings while men need to fight

b. women need to nurture their children while men need to fight to protect their family

c. women need to share their feelings while men need to protect their family

d. women need to gather belongings while men need to share their feelings

3. When we interpret a situation as threatening but do not feel equipped to handle the situation, we experience:

a. psychosis

b. stress

c. motivation

d. challenge

4. Stress occurs when we :

a. interpret a situation as threatening but do not have the resources to handle it

b. have a secondary appraisal that conflicts with a primary appraisal of a situation

c. realize that our coping resources are socially-based

d. feel our heart beating rapidly and sense our faces turning red

5. Imagine that you have been caught cheating on a test, and you feel your hands trembling. Which appraisal are you most likely to make?

a. a harm/loss appraisal

b. a resistance appraisal

c. a challenge appraisal

d. an alarm appraisal

6. Marie serves as a faculty advisor to freshmen at her college. Many of them find the first semester of college overwhelming and stressful. She can best assist them by

a. helping them see their classes as challenges that require direct action

b. sympathizing with them, because college is stressful for everyone

c. telling them to grow up; they're not in high school any longer

d. threatening them with dismissal if they don't do well in their classes

7. In the power saw study described in Module Twenty-one, which group experienced more arousal and why?

a. those that were told to think of ways that the accidents could have been prevented because they made a challenge appraisal

b. those that were told to think of ways that the accidents could have been prevented because they made a threat appraisal

c. those that were told to put themselves in the place of the accident victims because they made a threat appraisal

d. those that were told to put themselves in the place of the accident victims because they made a challenge appraisal

8. Stimuli that threaten a person's physical or psychological well-being elicit the bodily reaction called the:

a. stress syndrome

b. emotional upset

c. fight-flight response

d. automaton response

9. Sympathetic is to ____ as parasympathetic is to ____.

a. arousal; relaxation

b. relaxation; arousal

c. intellectual; emotional

d. mind; body

10. A suspected criminal consents to a lie detector test. When asked where he was on the night of the crime, the suspect says that he was out of town with friends. If this is a lie, it is assumed that the lie detector will pick this up because:

a. it is capable of doing a computer matching of the details of the man's story with what the police know to be true

b. guilt causes stress that will cause the hypothalamus to trigger the sympathetic nervous system

c. we do not maintain eye contact when we lie

d. we fidget when we lie

11. A talk radio host says that the BTK killer, who tortured and killed 10 people, must be insane. After reading Module Twenty-Two, what's your correct reaction?

a. You agree that the BTK killer is insane.

b. The person is only insane if he did not know the difference between right and wrong.

c. Someone is only insane if they hallucinated during the crime.

d. Insanity is only appropriate if the person has a mental disorder.

12. About what percentage of people with a lifetime mental disorder do not ask for nor receive any professional treatment?

a. 25%

b. 40%

c. 60%

d. 75%

13. A common characteristic of serial killers is:

a. physical or sexual abuse in childhood

b. being an only child

c. college-educated

d. close relationships with a few friends

14. According to the textbook, serial killers:

a. are obsessed with control, manipulation and dominance

b. are obsessed with pleasing others

c. lack the capacity to have deep, authentic feelings

d. are perfectionists

15. The legal definition of insanity is:

a. having a diagnosed mental disorder

b. not knowing the difference between right and wrong

c. the inability to remember the crime which was perpetrated

d. having a problem which interferes with the ability to function in society

16. Most people would say that anyone who kills, mutilates, and eats his victims must be insane. Would the law agree?

a. Maybe-it depends on the prognosis of the mental disorder

b. No-how the law defines insanity differs from how the general public defines it

c. Yes-the legal definition of insanity refers to doing acts that are abnormal

d. Maybe-it depends on what the diagnosis is

17. A prolonged or recurring problem which interferes with a person's ability to live a satisfying life and function in society is called:

a. insanity

b. a neurosis

c. a mental disorder

d. a diagnosis

18. An intense, excessive and irrational fear characterizes:

a. phobias

b. panic disorder

c. mental disorders

d. insanity

19. In the Middle Ages, mental disorders were thought to be caused by:

a. failure to self-actualize

b. biological dysfunction

c. unresolved conflicts

d. demon possession

20. What would a clinician use to evaluate a person's psychological, biological, and social make-up?

a. clinical assessment

b. clinical overview

c. analysis of functioning

d. applied behavioral analysis

Reference no: EM131146717

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