What would be used to separate list values

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13190963

1. Which of the following is not true with regards to thefollowing statement?


A. Data was collected via an online form from aMacintosh computer.

B. Data was sent to the server when the user pressedthe Submit button.

C. Data was processed by a CGI script.

D. Data was sent to the server using the GET method.

2. A/An _______ is a unique number that distinguishes one scalarvariable from another in an array.

A. array variable C. key

B. primary key D. index

3. In the following expression, what would be used to separate list values?myarrayname = (list)

A. ; C. :

B. , D. |

4. Which of the following marks the beginning of a hash name?

A. @ C. $

B. % D. #

5. Which of the following is not true of scalar variables?

A. In an array, scalar variables are stored in order in the computer's memory.

B. In a hash, scalar variables are stored in order in the computer's memory.

C. A scalar variable contained in a hash starts with a $.

D. Scalar variables are assigned keys when the hash is created in thecomputer's memory.

6. Which of the following statements is not an example of a repetition structure that instructsthe computer to repeat a block of instructions?

A. foreach C. Nested foreach

B. for D. while

7. Which of the following is used by the for statement to keep track of the number of times

the loop instructions have been processed?

A. Repetition variable C. Counter condition

B. Loop variable D. Counter variables

8. Which of the following is used to allow a script to read data stored in a file?

A. < C. >>

B. > D. > and >>

9. Which of the following places an invisible newline character at the end of a record?

A. |n C. \n

B. \t D. n;

10. Which of the following is the angle operator in Perl?

A. {} C. ^^

B. <> D. !?

11. Which of the following syntax statements would write a record to an open file?

A. print filehandle\n;

B. print filehandle data filename\n;

C. print filename data\n;

D. print filehandle data\n;

12. Which of the following occurs if you're writing to a file named "project" and a file named

"project" already exists on your computer?

A. An error message will appear.

B. The file will be erased before the new data is written to the file named "project."

C. Two files named "project" will be saved to your computer.

D. The computer will prompt you for an alternate name for the data to be saved under

because a file named "project" already exists.

13. What will the following statement do?

open(DATA, ">>", "employees.txt");

A. Open the employees.txt file for output and assign the filehandle DATA to the file

B. Open the employees.txt file for input and assign the filehandle DATA to the file

C. Open the employees.txt file for append and assign the filehandle DATA to the file

D. Open the employees.txt file for append and rename the filename to DATA

14. Which of the following would not be an appropriate field separator for the name field

formatted "Doe, John"?

A. : C. ,

B. \t D. &

15. Which of the following is an appropriate example of the close function?

A. close(studentdata) C. close{studentdata}

B. close<studentdata> D. close[studentdata]

16. The values of a list are sorted

A. permanently.

B. in ascending alphabetical order.

C. in descending alphabetical order.

D. temporarily, according to the designated order.

17. Within which of the following is an array's index placed?

A. {} C. ()

B. [] D. <>

18. Which of the following is used to display a message when an error occurs?

A. exit C. abort

B. quit D. die

19. If numeric and string values are assigned to radio buttons in an HTML form, which of the

following is true?

A. The script contains an array.

B. The script contains a hash.

C. The script contains both an array and a hash.

D. The script contains a dynamic Web page.

20. Which of the following is correct?

A. print filehandle data\n; C. print filename data\n;

B. print filehandle, data\n; D. print filename, data;

Reference no: EM13190963

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