What would be the result of adding an ip address

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13854064

Complete the following steps and enter your answers in the spaces provided. Make sure you attach the completed lab worksheet to your assignment.

Apache in Linux

1. Using the updatedb and locate commands, locate the httpd.conf file. Enter the path to the file in the space provided.

2. Used the cd command to change your working directory to the same one you have entered in Step 1.

3. Use the cp command to make a copy of the httpd.conf file in the same directory as the original. This will provide a means to restore the file to its original configuration in the event you need to do so.

4. Open the httpd.conf file using the vi editor. Navigate to the ServerRoot directive and record the path that is contained in quotes to the right of the directive.

Note: you can use the search function in vi to locate the ServerRoot directive. Just type a forward slash followed by the key word you are looking for. The cursor will go to the first instance of that key word in the file. To move to subsequent instances, just press the n key for next.

5. Read the comments that immediately precede this directive. In the space below, summarize what purpose it serves in configuring Apache.

6. Navigate to the Listen directive. Read the comments that immediately precede this directive and summarize its purpose in the space below.

7. What would be the result of adding an IP address in front of the port number in the Listen directive?

8. Navigate to the DocumentRoot directive. Record the path that is in quotes to the right of this directive in the space provided.

9. Read the comments that immediately precede this directive and summarize its purpose in the space below.

10. Close the vi editor and navigate to the path that you recorded in Step 8. List the contents of that directory and record them in the space provided.

11. Describe 2 configuration settings presented in chapter 5.

12. Describe 2 configuring tools described in chapter 6.

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Reference no: EM13854064

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