What would be the rationale for literacy content and theme

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Reference no: EM133470693

From the theme "Observing the Sky" using the following standards, 1R1: Develop and answer questions about key ideas and details in a text. (RI&RL), Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, or pieces of information in a text. (RI&RL) and 1W4: Make a response to a text, author, theme, or personal experience (e.g., poem, dramatization, artwork, or other)? What are three lesson plans that includes objectives that align with the standard, Anticipatory Set for each lesson: Including pre-assessments or other ways to activate students' prior knowledge and link previous learning, Multiple Means of Representation for each lesson: "How you will present content in various ways to meet the needs of different learners" and Multiple Means of Engagement for each lesson: "How students will explore, practice, and apply the content"?

Creative Arts Integration: Lesson Plan 1 will integrate music, Lesson Plan 2 will integrate drama or dance, and Lesson Plan 3 will integrate a creative art of your choice.

What would be the rationale for literacy content and the theme , and its importance to English language arts instruction?

Reference no: EM133470693

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