What would be the pros and cons of such legislation

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Reference no: EM131532670

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire: The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire was a tragic event taking place in the USA during the early 20th century. If you were the factory supervisor of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company during this time, how would you have improved conditions in your facility in order to avoid this type of event? Please describe, in detail, your plan for creating a safe work environment. Search for information in Google regarding modern day manufacturing facilities in locations  such as China or Singapore. Should international labor standards be established to address workplace issues in these countries? What would be the pros and cons of such legislation? Please make sure that your response is at least 1 page in length, double spaced.

Reference no: EM131532670

Questions Cloud

Explain why this conflicting situation might occur : Explain why this conflicting situation might occur and what conclusions the analyst should accept, indicating the shortcomings and the advantage of each method.
Determine the time resolution : Assume that a speech signal has been sampled at 8000 Hz and then analyzed with MATLAB specgram function using the following parameters.
Protecting the tropical rainforests : What alternatives do you feel could substitute still provide these individuals with economic opportunities while protecting the tropical rainforests?
The vantage point of a professional in ethics : Assume the vantage point of a professional in ethics & law,& make recommendations based on your opinion of how the outcome of the case should have been handless
What would be the pros and cons of such legislation : Should international labor standards be established to address workplace issues in these countries? What would be the pros and cons of such legislation
Find the future value of both annuities at end of year ten : Find the future value of both annuities at the end of year 10 assuming that Marian can earn (1) 10% annual interest and (2) 20% annual interest.
Estimate a minimum value for l : The resolution of a spectrum analysis system is determined by the frequency response of the time window. Suppose that we sample a continuous-time signal.
Methods presented in capital budgeting and payback : Given the five methods presented in Capital budgeting, Payback ,discounted pay back
Credit application to sclafani : To display desserts in restaurants, Mario Sclafani ordered refrigeration units from Felix Storch, Inc. Felix faxed a credit application to Sclafani.


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