Reference no: EM132769292
Marketing Management Case study Assignment -
Launching Whole Grain Pizza - Questions and brief
Launching Whole Grain Pizza - The following questions will be graded. The submission needs to be done using the template in the next segment. This segment covers the launch decision of Whole Grain Pizza.
All the necessary information is given in the case study PDF. Please do not discuss anything related to these questions on the Discussion Forum.
Question 1 - The process followed for the market research for Whole Grain Pizza is similar to that of the Fresh Pasta & Sauce, but not identical.
What are some key differences between the market research processes followed for 'Fresh Pasta & Sauce' and 'Whole Grain Pizza'? Which research process is more robust and why?
Question 2 - Look at 'Exhibit 7 - Pizza Concept Purchase Intent, Mall Intercept'. What are some insights that you can derive from the exhibit? Also include insights derived by comparing it to 'Exhibit 3 - Fresh Pasta Purchase Intent'. Mention at least 3 insights in total.
Question 3 - The following excel file provides a template to help you with the calculations needed to answer questions 3A and 3B. Please take all figures and assumptions directly from the case study. Please use the template while adding your calculations to the submission file.
Note: While some formulae are already entered into the template, you must verify that the calculations are being done in a logical way. You may check the sample answer file in the next segment in case you need to more clarity on which cells to fill.
Note: Rows 29 and 31 will calculate the retail sales revenue and TruEarth sales revenue (after deducting retail margin) respectively.
There are two factors which might affect the sales figures of the Whole Grain Pizza. These are:
1. Market penetration of Cucina Fresca, which Eckstein believes can vary from 5% to 15%
2. The product quality, which affects repurchase rate, can vary from Mediocre to Average to Excellent.
The combinations of the above two factors can help you determine the best case and worst case scenarios. The places where you can insert the above factors are marked in yellow on the template. You would also need to fill in the rest of the data by sourcing them from the case study.
Question 3A - Assume the worst case scenario in terms of the the factors mentioned above. What would be the predicted sales revenue for the Whole Grain Pizza? Explain your thought process behind considering the worst case scenario. Paste the excel template containing your calculations in the submission file.
Question 3B - What would be the predicted sales revenue of the Whole Grain Pizza in the best case scenario? Explain your thought process. Paste the excel template containing your calculations in the submission file.
Question 4 - From the point of view of the customer, what are the top 2 pizza categories that TruEarth Whole Grain Pizza will compete against? What advantages or disadvantages does TruEarth have in comparison to these categories?
Question 5 - Is the Whole Grain Pizza appropriately priced for the customer? Use data to justify your answer.
Question 6 - Are you in favor of launching the Whole Grain Pizza? Please include a detailed justification of your answer, including both qualitative and quantitative arguments.
Case Study: TruEarth Healthy Foods
TruEarth Healthy Foods: Market Research for a New Product Introduction.
We are also providing a spreadsheet, which contains all the data given in the exhibits inside the case. Please download it by clicking on this link: TruEarth Spreadsheet.
Note: The case study has a several units written as 'MM'. This means 'million'.
While reading through the case study, keep the following learning objectives in mind:
1. Understand the assumptions and techniques for estimating markets and projecting sales.
2. Analyze and interpret data to decide whether to bring a new product to market.
3. Recognize the importance of perceived value to consumers for a new product as compared with existing products.
4. Understand the limitations of making decisions based on research and available data.
Attachment:- Launching Whole Grain Pizza.rar