Reference no: EM133257427
Construction Sitework and Equipment Assignment -
Q1. It is required to fine grade the subgrade of a roadway before proceeding to construct the subbase. Use an efficiency factor of 0.60. The grader will be operated in second gear (3.5 mph) for this work. The effective blade width per pass is 9 ft. Estimate the production rate for these conditions.
Q2. A grader will be used to maintain 3 miles of haul road. It is estimated that this work require two passes in first gear, leveling the road requires two passes in second gear, and final shaping of the road requires three passes in fourth gear. Use an efficiency factor 60%. Grader speeds are given in the chart. What is the time requirement for this task?
Forward gears - Maximum travel speed (mph)
First - 2.5
Second - 3.1
Third - 4.2
Fourth - 7.0
Q3. A wheeled loader has a bucket size of 2.75 CY. The static tipping load of the loader is 15,600 lb
a) What would be the maximum capacity per cycle if the loader is carrying the moist loam with a density of 2,000 lb/LCY? Use a fill factor of 1.05.
b) What would be the maximum capacity per cycle if the loader is carrying the wet gravel with a density of 3,400 lb/LCY? Use a fill factor of 0.975.
Q4. A wheel loader has a rated capacity of 1.5 LCY. The type of soil is moist loam. The fixed travel time is 0.55 min. The average speed for hauling and return is 3 mph and 6 mph, respectively. The travel distance is 300 ft. The operation efficiency is 50 min/hour. Assume the loader can use the full bucket capacity. What is the loader's production?