What would be the first modification you would make and why

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Reference no: EM133466658

Discussion Post: Juveniles

As the text points out, the whole idea of a "juvenile justice system" is to avoid stigmatizing juveniles while rehabilitating them. Yet we are trying juveniles as adults in greater numbers than ever before. Thinking back to previous topics in this course, when we looked at sentencing goals, the juvenile justice system is supposed to reflect a rehabilitation model as opposed to a punishment model. But in many states, a punishment-based model not only punishes, but seems to want to punish juveniles even more harshly by sentencing them as adults rather than making an affirmative effort to save them from a permanent life of crime.

Based on this information, answer one of the following discussion questions:

Question A. Do you believe juveniles should be tried as adults? If so, at what age should a child be tried as an adult? Why?
Question B. If you were revising the juvenile justice system, what would be the first modification you would make and why?

Reference no: EM133466658

Questions Cloud

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How you felt about the course : Tell us how you felt about this course. Include the good and the bad. Were the materials helpful? Did you enjoy the discussions? How were the instructors?
How did trust in national news organizations affect : How did trust in national news organizations affect the percentage who were able to respond correctly? How would you explain that pattern?
What would be the first modification you would make and why : If you were revising the juvenile justice system, what would be the first modification you would make and why?
What will happen to the housing market and why : What will happen to the housing market and why? Will this be good or bad for the economy and why?
What you have learned in course in your professional life : How will you apply what you have learned in course in your professional and personal life? What challenges did you have in course and how did you grow from them
How did you react to recount a time : How did you react to Recount a Time, how did it affect you and finally, reflect on the key takeaways from the experince?
Create a swot analysis for southwest airlines : Create a SWOT analysis for SOUTHWEST AIRLINES to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.


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