What would be the expected return spread

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131215837

Question #1

Given the recent high-yield bond yield-to-maturity spread of about 800bps, and considering that the expected default rate and recovery rates in 2016 will be equal to the history averages (3.7% [slide 11] and 39.0% [slide 105] respectively), what could be the Expected Return Spread for the year 2016 for an investment in an Index of high-yield bonds?

What would be the Expected Return Spread if the expected default rate was 5.2% and the expected recovery rate was equal to 35.0%?

Question 2

What is the expected Return on Equity for the equity tranche in each of the first two years of a five year CLO (Collateralized Loan Obligation)?

- $2.0 billion dollar pool.
- Fees are paid at the end of the year and are 1% (of face value) in the first year and 1% (of face value) in the second year.
- Assume that the defaults occur at the beginning of the second-half of each year.
- The recovery from the defaults is invested immediately at (5%).
- The annual interest on the pool of loans (i=10%) is paid semiannually and is based on the remaining balance of loans in the pool.
- The default rates and recovery rates are provided below: Losses are not reduced from equity until the end of the CLO.

                                                            Year One                                 Year Two

Default Rate                                           3%                                                 8%

Recovery Rate                                       40%                                             40%


Reference no: EM131215837

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