What would be the energy loss if the slope is zero

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM132235563

Question 1. A river 100m wide and 3m deep has an average bed of 0.0005.estimate the length of GVF profile produced by a low wier which raises the water surface just upstream of it by 1.5m and n=0.035.

Question 2. A rectangular channel is laid on a slope of 1 horizontal and 0.15 vertical when discharge of 11m3/s width is passed at adepth of 0.7m a hydraulic jump is known to occur at a section.calculate the sequent depth,length of jump and the energy loss in the jump. what would be the energy loss if the slope is zero?

Question 3. A hydraulic jump takes place in horizontal triangular channel having side slope of 1.5H: 1V.The depth before and after the jump are 0.3m and 1.2m respectively. Estimate:

A.Flow rate

B.Froude number

C.Energy loss

Reference no: EM132235563

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