Reference no: EM132371830
Organisational Behaviour Assignment - Case Study
PURPOSE & INSTRUCTIONS - The purpose of this individual assignment is to give you the opportunity to apply relevant OB theories and concepts to analyse specific organisational issues. As such, in your report you need to demonstrate that you have
1) applied critical thinking skills in identifying the correct problem
2) used appropriate theories and concepts learned in evaluating the situation and in generating your responses
3) formulated a clear and feasible action plan, and
4) written this in a persuasive and professional manner.
Case Study - Leading in Hostile Environment
THE ASSIGNMENT - In your assignment, make sure to address the following questions using organisational behaviour knowledge and theories:
1. Briefly describe the situations/problem(s) that Colleen encounters.
2. What would be the common objectives for Colleen and the 14 managers who directly report to her? Based on your description of the common objectives, please draw upon your knowledge about group and team to illustrate how she can overcome the "us versus them mentality" amongst the managers and achieve the common objectives.
3. Drawing upon what you know about leadership theories, please draw upon TWO theories to explain the appropriate leadership styles or behaviors for Colleen to lead the managers effectively.
1) Synopsis / Problem statement. Begin your analysis with a brief synopsis of the situation (IN YOUR OWN WORDS!). Make sure to describe the situation clearly but keep this section short.
2) Critical Analysis. In this section you should analyse the main issues from the case study. Use any relevant OB theories and concepts. When you cite a particular OB model or theory, make sure to explain it clearly (with an appropriate citation) and discuss how it can be applied in the situation described in the case. In completing this section you must draw on relevant literature to support your conclusions: it is important that your arguments are supported by evidence obtained through your research. You should avoid armchair speculations or unsubstantiated claims. A mix of practitioner and scholarly journals may be helpful in providing evidence to support your analysis and subsequent recommendations.
3) Solutions. Generate ideas and solutions about what might be done, possible strategies to address the root cause of the problem. Several possible options should be suggested and evaluated. This section should be clearly embedded in sound theory as well as considering practical implementation issues that might arise.
4) Implementation. This section is strongly linked with your suggested solutions/recommendations. Identify the specific steps that should be taken to implement your recommendations.
5) Conclusion. A brief summary or conclusion that brings together the major points of case analysis and is consistent with what was stated in the problem statement. The conclusion should not introduce new ideas or lines of thought that have not previously been discussed.
6) Reference List. The in-text references and list should be in accordance with Harvard Style or APA 6th and include only those references referred to in the body of the essay. References that you have read during the course of your research but do not cite in your essay should not be included.
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