What would be initial management plan for infant with anemia

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133670248



9 month well child examination


Josiah is a 9-month-old who presents to clinic for a well-child examination. He appears healthy with no parental concerns. His height is 28.5 inches (60th percentile), weight is 9.8 kg (70th percentile), and head circumference is 18 inches (60th percentile). His growth is consistent along the growth curve. The infant's diet is as follows: breastfed, some solids, mostly family diet pureed for baby, and no meats yet. He does not like iron-fortified baby cereals but likes crackers and teething biscuits. His mother gives him vitamin D drops daily and no other supplements.


Josiah is alert, pulls to a stand, babbles, and is interactive. The anterior fontanelle is flat. His skin is pale and conjunctiva is slightly pale. His skin is pink and warm, with no bruising. The rest of the examination is within normal limits. Finger stick hemoglobin (Hgb) is 10.2.

1. What would be the initial management plan for an infant with anemia? List 4 interventions.

2. What would be the management of an infant with anemia at the four-week follow-up examination? Provide 3 interventions for management.

Reference no: EM133670248

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