What will you take away from this assignment into practice

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Reference no: EM133307758

  1. Intro: Start paper with a paragraph that introduces what you discussing in your paper and why using an ethical decision making process is important. Introduce the 6 question decision making model.
  2. Ethical Dilemma: Give a brief summary of your ethical dilemma; identify the ethical issues present, and which social work ethics applied to your situation and/or if there are any legal issues. This is where you are talking about the dilemma. So if there are issues of a dual relationship - what is the dilemma . . . maybe you are willing to take a risk because it is helping someone or maybe you think it will be worse for the client because they struggle with personal boundaries and relational trauma - so you maintain a boundary despite the loss for you and the client. Discuss what principles are influencing the dilemma (i.e., confidentiality, determination, dual relationships, etc.) AND NASW Code of Ethics standards (numbers).
  3. Solution: Share your solution to the problem
  4. Decision Making Process: Discuss how you came to your decision. Make sure to explain in detail and with examples how you went through your decision making model. This will include a detail of the 6 questions (who, what, when, where, why, and how). I expect to see citations from Strom-Gottfried, Finn, and the NASW Code of Ethics throughout this paper.
  5. Values: What values were present in this situation (yours, SW, society, etc.)? How did you identify these values and respond to them? Were any of the values in conflict with one another? How did you resolve this?
  6. Alternatives: Were there any alternatives to your decision that you considered? Why or why not?  Why did you chose your specific solution over the other solutions?
  7. Consultation: How did you discuss this issue with your peers? What did you learn from them? Did you change your mind, discover something new? What did you learn from your peers after the group ethical case analysis activity? Make sure to be specific and give specific examples.
  8. Take Aways and Conclusion: Did the ethical decision making model work for you or did it create barriers?  What will you take away from this assignment into practice? Conclude with a statement about the importance and difficulty of ethical conduct.

Reference no: EM133307758

Questions Cloud

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