Reference no: EM133459151
This assignment will enhance your ability to evaluate and analyze a persuasive argument by considering supporting materials, source and speaker credibility, and audience adaptation strategies.
This assignment addresses the following Learning Outcomes
• An increased ability to organize and effectively deliver a speech utilizing supporting material and audience adaptation strategies appropriate to the situation
• An ability to evaluate and integrate research effectively into presentations
• An ability to constructively evaluate your own and others' presentation skills, adaptation, and use of logical reasoning
Criteria for Success
The successful submission will be error-free and grammatically correct, with thoughtful and thorough responses to each question using complete sentences and concrete examples. Be sure to cite specific moments within Niro's conversation when responding. Demonstrate your understanding of chapters 23-24 (Persuasive Speaking).
Respond to the following questions after watching The Counterintuitive Way to be More Persuasive.
1) Which of the seven methods for grabbing audience attention did Niro use? (See week five's micro-lecture for a gentle reminder.)
2) Was Niro's attention grabber effective? What specific suggestions do you have for improvement? Respond to both components of this question for full credit, even if you found it compelling.
3) When did you decide Niro was credible, and what did he do to establish his credibility?
4) How did Niro relate his topic to you as an audience member? You may respond by citing content and or delivery. Provide two responses to this question AND link one of your responses to emotional appeal (pathos).
5) How can you connect the content of Niro's talk to the world? Provide two topical examples.
6) How does Niro move between and connect his main points? Cite one specific transition that appealed to you.
7) What does Niro want you to think, feel or do? What is the opposition to his argument? List two points of opposition.
8) What did Niro add to the conversation? That is, what did you learn?
9) What motivational warrants, evidence, and examples (chapter 24, Constructing the Persuasive Speech) does he offer to support his position? List one of each.
10) Evaluate his conclusion. What worked? What did not?
11) What will you take away from Niro's conversation to help strengthen the argument, content, or delivery in your upcoming persuasive conversation? (Respond to this question based on what you feel Niro did well or what you found fault with.)