What will you say and what can you do to convince

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133498094

Question: Assume you are a director of training and development in a small organization. In order to reduce expenses, the company president has decided to cut the training budget in half and reduce the amount of training provided to employees. The president has asked to meet with you to discuss these plans. Your job is to prepare a short presentation to persuade the president to change his/her mind. What will you say and what can you do to convince the president of the importance of and need for more, not less, training and development?

Reference no: EM133498094

Questions Cloud

Evaluate the outcomes of ensuring each stage : evaluate the outcomes of ensuring each stage is completed satisfactorily and the consequences of poor selection
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How many people initially lost their lives in hiroshima : How many people initially lost their lives in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Would Grand Forks exist tomorrow if an atomic bomb was dropped on it?
How you are progressing toward the learning outcomes : How you are progressing toward the learning outcomes stated for the course. Share, in addition, a tip or recommendation you have for the rest of the class
What will you say and what can you do to convince : What will you say and what can you do to convince the president of the importance of and need for more, not less, training and development
Explain mechanism of action and side effects of medications : Explain mechanism of action, uses and side effects of medications for psoriasis, 10 slides including references, use PP uploaded as guide.
Summarize the strategic goal of policy : Summarize the strategic goal of each policy statement. Next, highlight the similarities, differences, and inconsistencies (if there are any).
Explain why most groupware is deployed today over the web : Describe the kinds of support that groupware can provide to decision makers. Explain why most groupware is deployed today over the Web.
Describe the risk factors and protective factors : Describe the risk factors and protective factors that can influence family resilience around incidents of school and mass violence.


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