What will you do to address any deficiency you feel you have

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Reference no: EM133689724

Assignment: Education Effects of Disposition

Teacher dispositions are the values, attitudes, commitments, and professional ethics that influence a teacher's behaviors toward students, colleagues, families, and communities. Teacher dispositions may be less visible than knowledge and skills; however, they can be considered the most influential quality of highly effective educators. In addition to dispositions, a successful teacher must have effective communication and collaboration skills.

This 2-part assignment provides you with the opportunity to reflect on your own professional dispositions and determine effective communication and collaboration skills for educators.

Complete Parts I and II below.

Part I: Professional Dispositions Reflection

Follow these instructions to access and review the 18 Supplemental Standards:
o Access the Teacher Education Handbook.
o Access the Table of Contents on the left side of the screen.
o Select "Conceptual Framework" and review that section.
o Select "Professional Expectations."
o Navigate to the "Supplemental Standards" and review the 12 standards.

Reflect on your own proficiency within the following areas:

1) Professional teacher dispositions
2) Communication skills
3) Collaboration skills

Write a 1-page reflection in APA format that addresses the following questions:

1) Which area do you feel most proficient in? Explain why.
2) Which area do you feel least proficient in? Explain why.
3) What will you do to address any deficiencies you feel you have?
4) What resources are available to help you grow, such as professional organizations, online tools, and so on?

Part II: Communication and Collaboration Guide

Create a 2 pages guide (think infographic) for beginning teachers that addresses professional communication and collaboration in education.

In your guide, include examples and detailed descriptions for each of the following in relation to teaching:

1) Written communication strategies
2) Oral communication strategies
3) Communication resources
4) School-based collaboration examples for:
5) Grade-level team
6) Child study team
7) Professional learning community
8) Individual collaborations (e.g., teacher and colleague, teacher and family, and teacher and student)
9) Conflict management strategies.

Reference no: EM133689724

Questions Cloud

What to expect next year : Organization and key information about the institution/organizational. Goals, accomplishments, results, financials. What to expect next year?
Differences between legal risks and liability issues : How might you explain the differences between legal risks and liability issues to someone who has never heard of these terms before?
Advocating for childrens rights and the public good : Advocating for childrens rights and the public good in a particular context of your choice. Include reference to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
State what other action the head of the school should take : State what other action the head of the school should take. How does your decision impact the current and future expectations of the university?
What will you do to address any deficiency you feel you have : Which area do you feel most proficient in? Which area do you feel least proficient in? What will you do to address any deficiencies you feel you have?
Determine the presence of mucogingival involvement : Discuss how to obtain and determine the presence of mucogingival involvement as part of the perio assessment and describe the landmarks.
Analyze the rationale for health insurance expansion : Analyze the rationale for health insurance expansion. Include how health insurance expansion relates to the problem of adverse selection.
What control and subsidiary accounts should be included : Identify the special journals that Ling & Jessop should have in its manual system. List the column headings appropriate for each of the special journals
How has current policy transformed current practice of nurse : How has current policy transformed the current practice of nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals?


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