What will you do differently, post pandemic

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133436868

Instructions: Use citations everywhere and try to give books citations as much as can.

In-text citations

use any text book concepts

Also the last question is to be a personal opinion answer. I would expect it to be written in "first-person" language (I believe.... I think....I would expect...etc.).


1. The impact of COVID-19 on Performance Management (Chapter 8): During COVID-19 organizations had to adapt very quickly to a "work from home" model for their workplaces. Coming out of COVID-19
many organizations have made different work options available to their employees: work from home,
fully working in the office and a hybrid option; allowing employees to work-from-home and work in the
office several days per week. Often, a workplace will have all three models taking place at once.
Considering the above in your opinion how should workplaces effectively handle performance
management of their employees. In your answer, consider setting performance expectations, annual
performance reviews and managing performance issues.
2. The impact of COVID-19 on Compensation and Benefits (Chapters 9 & 10): During COVID-19, organizations had to approach compensation in different ways. Many organizations began to hire employees from across Canada, if not the world. Given that salaries differ greatly throughout Canada
and the World, what do you think is a fair way to compensate employees working in different parts of Canada and/or the world? You may find it helpful to research what companies have had to do to ensure
fairness in pay within their organization. Further, discuss your thoughts on whether supplemental benefit packages offered to employees should be the same or different across Canada?
3. The impact of COVID-19 on Health and Safety (Chapter 12): Research how Health and Safety has changed the post pandemic workplace. In your response talk about two trends that we see in the workplace that were not present pre-pandemic. In your opinion, have these been a positive or negative
change for employees and employers? Ensure you provide the links to at least two sources you have used in your answer.
4. COVID-19 - You as a Human Resources professional in the Future: Since the pandemic has forever changed the role of Human Resources Professionals, how do you see your role as a new employee in Human Resources evolving? Of course, there are still the functions of the job including recruitment, selection, compensation, training and development, health and safety, etc. Think about what stream of Human Resources interests you the most. Why does this area interest you? What skills
and knowledge are you prepared to bring to the job? And, what will you do differently, post pandemic, within your role that has evolved since COVID-19?. Support your opinion with research.

Reference no: EM133436868

Questions Cloud

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What are the potential basis and issue types : What employment discrimination claims, if any does Arnold have? What are the potential basis and issue types
How does the article say the telephone has affected : How does the article say the telephone has affected our relationships with those whom we are closest to? In paragraph 6, the author states
What will you do differently, post pandemic : what will you do differently, post pandemic, within your role that has evolved since COVID-19?. Support your opinion with research.
What is essential difference between skeptics and deniers : Describe "binary bias" and how to overcome it. What is the essential difference between "skeptics" and "deniers"? How might "desirability bias" play
Explain constitution and legislative branch : Explain the constitution, the legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch and the local government of the Afghanistan.
Why is having a strategy so important to the success : According to the readings, why is having a strategy so important to the success of any organization? (Please explain in detail) What happens if you don't have
Discuss the benefits of conducting training evaluations : Discuss the benefits of conducting training evaluations. How can organizations overcome the barriers to conducting evaluations


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