What will you do as a teacher at the moment of the incident

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Reference no: EM132304351

Chapter 9

1. Identify and describe an aspect of your own temperament which has been part of your personality since childhood. (Before you write, you should reflect on the many infant temperamental styles described in the chapter--bold, timid, difficult, slow-to-warm-up, easy, or active, for example.)

To what degree has this temperamental trait remained stable over the course of your life, as temperament researchers would expect? How has it changed? Has it diminished or intensified? To what degree do you believe this temperamental feature was inherited? To what degree has it been influenced by your family and culture? In your answer, refer to ideas on temperament from the chapter.

2. Acquiring a sense of trust is an important dimension of the healthy social and emotional development of the infant/toddler period. Describe strategies that parents and caregivers may use to foster a sense of trust.


1. In your preschool years, what can you say about the way you learned to talk in your extended family? What was emphasized? Were you encouraged to talk? What else?

2. What reading and writing abilities do young children acquire, and how do these vary across cultures?
One question you have as a result of your reflection.


1. Which social skills described in this chapter were you able to observe in yourself in the preschool year?

2. Antonio, a 4-year-old African-American child, has just been enrolled in a child care center. None of the peers or his teachers is of the same cultural background. At first, peers are quite eager to play with him. By the end of the second week, however, teachers notice he is being shunned by others in the center. Harsh comments about Antonio's behavior and speech may be heard. (i.e., "Antonio is mean; he pushes too much.")

After some observation and reflection, teachers come to understand that Antonio has a more active, rougher style of play than his peers.

Too, he teases his peers sometimes. Although he is very personable and always has a smile on his face, children have come to believe he is mean.

One incident is very illustrative of Antonio's problem. Antonio approaches children on the playground. One girl shouts, "No, Antonio. You can't play." Another joins in: "You aren't a good boy." The first child now says to the second, "He has to wash all that dirt off." Antonio walks away.

In your reflection discuss the following two questions:

1. What will you do as a teacher at the moment of the incident?

2. What will you do over time to assist Antonio in becoming part of the peer group?


One entry will be used as part of your Autobiographical Snapshot Project so make sure one entry is about your personal development or the development of an adolescent child in your life.

1. Which factors do you believe had the most powerful effect on your continues motor development as a school-age child-home or outside sources? Justify your answer by giving examples.

2. How can professionals and parents adapt to interactions and classroom environments to support the motor development of children in urban settings/cities?


What do you remember about learning to read and write in school or at home?

Below is a brief description of a simple, traditional primary lesson in school. Transform it so that it addresses at least four of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (Linguistic, Logico-mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal).

Activity: At their seats, children read a chapter in their science book on whales. It presents photographs and information on whales of different kinds-Beluga, Blue, etc. When children have finished, they answer questions at the end of the chapter. They then bring their papers up to the teacher to be corrected.

Reference no: EM132304351

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