.what will happen if you connect p3.5 at the buzzer

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM13165330

Consider the following code segment. Assume that processor clock in the active mode is set to 1,000,000 Hz. In this mode

the platform draws 0.5 mA.

1. while(1) {

2. int i;

3. for(i = 2000; i>0; i--); // one loop iteration takes 5 clock cycles

4. P3OUT |= BIT5; // Set P3.5

5. for (i = 2000; i>0; i--); // Delay

6. P3OUT &= ~BIT5; // Clear P3.5

7. }

1).What does the code segment do assuming that P3.5 is configured as a digital output. You may ignore delay

needed to execute instructions in lines 1, 4 and 6.


2).What will happen if you connect P3.5 at the buzzer?


3). How would you implement functionality achieved by the code segment above using TimerB. Port P3.5 is

multiplexed with the output signal from the capture and compare block 4 of TimerB. Give details. How would you initialize the system? What would you do in the main loop?



Reference no: EM13165330

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