What will be the impact of said technology in ecuador

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131756082

Article : Supply Chain vs. Supply Chain: A Literal Look By James B. Rice, Jr. and Richard M. Hoppe

Chapter 1 : Basic Concept of Planning

Assigment 1

After reading the attached file. Write a 500-word-essay on the importance of supply chain.

Assigment 2

Please answer the following questions:

• What is planning? What is control?

• What is the difference between planning a control?

Apply critical thinking

Assigment 3

Answer the following question using your opinion (just answer in four lines every question) :

1- Computers are getting more both more poweful. In the near future they will be "smart" enough to make some human workers obsolete Computers will perform tasks better and at lower costs. These people will be unemployable, and as the machines continue to become more sophisticated. What are your thoughts on this? Is it just science Fiction?

2- Computers are getting more sophisticated all the time. Before long they will be "smart" enough to make some human workers obsolete... last week we discussed about how technology will cause and/or replace human works around the world. What will happen to devolping countries? What will be the impact of said technology in Ecuador?

3- Leadership is considerted to be one of the most important management, but can it taught or you are born with that skill comments would be highly appreciated. Provide your ideas. Is leadership a skill that can be taught?

4- Does Black Friday put the worst excesses of materialism or it's just a way of balancing overstocked goods?

5- Low prices VS Product quality/Are low prices the ultimate reason of companies'production or should quality of products/services the final goal of all processes?

Reference no: EM131756082

Questions Cloud

Discuss what is a standard cost : Provide an example of a manufacturing standard cost. Discuss what is a standard cost
Use box-jenkins method to find an adequate model : 4301 STAT Assignment. Generate n = 1000 data points using the above model. Plot the time series data. Use Box-Jenkins method to find an adequate model
Identify the skills that will move your career forward : Completing this assignment will help you name and identify the skills and abilities that will move your career forward.
Description of the customer support system : PPI management wants a description of the customer support system (CSS) project goals, high-level plans, and the membership of the project
What will be the impact of said technology in ecuador : Does Black Friday put the worst excesses of materialism or it's just a way of balancing overstocked goods?
Discuss variable costs in total decrease fixed costs : Fixed costs per unit decrease and variable costs in total decrease Fixed costs in total increase and variable costs in total increase Fixed costs
Determining earnings per share and interest expense : In determining earnings per share, interest expense, net of applicable income taxes, on convertible debt that is dilutive should be.
Apriori algorithm-decision tree algorithm : At any kind of job, where do you think you would choose to apply any one of the following algorithms: Apriori algorithm, decision tree algorithm
Positive and negative aspects of a matrix organization : What do you see as the positive and negative aspects of a matrix organization? What is gained by structuring an organization in this manner? What is lost?


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