What will be the best way for you to do

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133685161

Problem: You are project manager of a construction reject. One of the team members come to you with the idea which involves a little extra work but will result in 20% less cost. What will be the BEST way for you to do?

Reference no: EM133685161

Questions Cloud

Which best describes why retailers like walmart and meijer : Which best describes why retailers like Walmart and Meijer tend to have dense clusters of stores in the areas immediately around their distribution centers?
Discuss the acquisition of provinces and loss of life : Which of series of wars played a bigger role in shaping Roman history: the Punic Wars against Carthage or the Civil Wars of the Roman Republic, and why?
Reflect and write freely about your work experiences : Reflect and write freely about your work experiences this week. What skills are your building? What are you learning? What is challenging?
Outline or drawing up a flow chart : How that idea is developed or supported, and how that paragraph connects to the paragraphs before and after it
What will be the best way for you to do : One of the team members come to you with the idea which involves a little extra work but will result in 20% less cost. What will be the BEST way for you to do?
What is the whole article about : What is the WHOLE article about? -What is the central argument(s) which the author is making
How early childhood education was perceived : Choose two periods/eras in history and describe how early childhood education was perceived. Illustrate your response in an ePoster.
What can you tell your boss : You have been authorized to start planning a project in a corporation that is in highly competitive and rapidly changing industry. What can you tell your boss?
What is the compound subject of this sentence : What is the compound subject of this sentence? Select the two that apply. During the traffic jam, Kenny and Eileen had an argument.


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