What will be its length and height at rest

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM134697


Friend of yours travels by you in his fast sports car at a speed of 0.550 c. It is measured in your frame to be 4.20 m long and 1.10 m high.

a) What will be its length and height at rest?

b) How numerous seconds would you say elapsed on your friend's watch when 10.0 s passed on yours?

c) How fast did you appear to be travelling to your friend?

d) How various seconds would he say elapsed on your watch when he saw 10.0 s pass on him?


A golf ball with an initial speed of 119 m/s lands exactly 204 m downrange on the level course. Neglecting air friction, what least projection angle would achieve this result? The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. Respond in units of degrees.

Reference no: EM134697

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