What will allow society to survive for three years

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13222305

assume that the member of the group are the sole survivors of a worldwide nuclear disaster. After a period of searching and evaluating, the members learn the following facts.

A) Only eight acres of land are uncontaminated (with trees)
b) We have a six months' supply of food, including 100 pounds of dried corn, 3 pounds of dried onions, 2 pounds of dried pumpkin seed.
C) A fresh flowing spring of water exists.
D) A two acre lake containing fish exist
E) 50 gallons of gasoline exist
F) Two hoes, one rake, and one car exist
g) The only structure remaining is a building with 10 rooms and auditorium

you are to formulate a plan that will allow society to survive for three years. you must develop a list of priorities and a list of resources in order of importance. Afterwards you should outline your survival plan and the duties of the members of the group.

Reference no: EM13222305

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