Reference no: EM133510668
Participatory Health Research
Assignment: Research Positionality
You will be tasked to reflect on these two points:
- Who are you as a researcher and how have you changed because of your learning in this unit?
- How would you seek to undertake research with Indigenous communities?
For each reflection you must include the use of a "rich picture".The concept of a "rich picture" draws from Soft Systems Methodology which explores complex relationships (Bell & Morse 2013). A rich picture is a visual sketch diagramming relationships and providing a rich amount of data. For this assessment the rich picture should describe a specific experience that influenced your thinking.
Here are some guidelines for drawing rich pictures:
1. The focus of the picture should be your learning experience.
2. Use all the space available.
3. Include yourself in the picture - you don't have to be at the centre, but you should be in there somewhere!
4. Include key people, learning material, events that are relevant to your learning.
5. Represent the viewpoints, problems, and concerns of the people in the diagram using speech bubbles and thought bubbles (just like comic books).
6. Represent types of relationships using arrows, lines, or any other way you can think of.
7. Add short notes if you think they are needed, but try to keep them to short phrases.
8. Represent the climate or quality of the relationships using symbols (such as dark clouds, sunshine, lightning bolts) or any other way you like.
9. Include any influencing factors in the wider environment that seem relevant.
10. Make it colorful and let your creativity flow.
Experience (Explain your rich diagram): What happened? What were your thoughts and feelings at the time?
Reflection: Reflect on the experience -Why did this situation happen? What worked well and what didn't work? Why did I respond the way I did? How does this link to my skills and knowledge?
Conceptualisation: Learn from your experience - Why did the experience play out in this way? How could I improve? What could I have done differently?
Experimentation: Put your learning into practice - How can I apply what I have learnt to future situations? What are my new strategies and why is this relevant?
You will be required to complete the reflective practice assignment template You will reflect on the application of your learning related to the readings, lectures, tutorials and prior assessments. You will be tasked to reflect on these two points
- Who are you as a researcher and how have you changed because of your teaming in this unit?
- How would you seek to undertake research with Indigenous communities?
For each reflection you must include the use of a "rich picture. The concept of a "rich picture draws from Soft Systems Methodology which explores complex relationships (Bell & Morse 2013). A rich picture is a visual sketch diagramming relationships and providing a rich amount of data For this assessment the rich picture should describe a specific experience that influenced your thinking
For each reflection, you must also apply a reflection framework To help you with your reflective practice, review your workbook.