What were the unemployment rates for adult women

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Reference no: EM131380739

Part 1: The Unemployment Rate

Complete the following exercise

Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics Web Site,

www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.toc.htm . Select Employment Situation Summary.

Write a report (1-2 pages double - spaced) to answer the questions:

1. What is the latest month (and year) is summarized? What was the unemployment rate for that month? How does that rate compare with the rate in the previous month? Show the percentage change with two digits, and how you compoute.

2. What were the unemployment rates for adult women, teenagers, blacks, Hispanics, and whites? How did these rates compare with those a month earlier? MAKE A TABLE WITH EACH OF THESE CATEGORIES AND THEIR EMPLOYMENT RATES FOR THE TWO MONTHS YOU ARE COMPARING. Analyze and discuss.

3. What factors make it difficult to determine the unemployment rate?

4. Why is unemployment an economic problem?

5. What are the noneconomic effects of unemployment?

6. Who loses from unemployment? Who gains. Explain.

Part 2: The Inflation Rate

Complete the following exercise:

Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics Web Site,

www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.toc.htm . Select Consumer Price Index Summary.

Write a report (1-2 pages double - spaced) to answer the questions:

1. What is the latest month (and year) summarized? What was CPI-U for that month?

2. What was the rate of inflation (percentage change in the CPI-U) for the month? How does that rate of inflation compare with the rate in the previous month? Show how you computed your percentage change.

3. Which two categories of goods or services had the greatest price increase for the month?

4. Which two categories of goods or services had the lowest price increase (or greatest price decrease) for the month?

5. Which categories of society lose from inflation? Which gain? Explain why.

Since the Webpage of the "Economic Report of the President" is currently not accessible, Part 3 will be skipped, and Parts I and II will make up 100%. Note : You can access the Webpage, but it does not allow you to scroll down and get any of the necessary data.

Part 3: Unemployment Data by Labor Force Groups and Duration (40% of the project grade)
Go to https://www.gpoaccess.gov/eop/ - the home page of the Economic Report of the President. Click on the link to the most recent report.

a. Find unemployment data (Table B-12.-Civilian unemployment rate) for the following four years 1995, 2000, 2005, and the last available year. Use four labor force groups: males, and females, in each case 16 to 19 years of age, versus 20 years of age or over. PRESENT YOUR RESULTS IN A TABLE, and be sure to explain and analyze it.

b. Use the Economic Report of the President (Table B-13.-Unemployment by duration and reason) to find data on the duration of unemployment in 1995, 2000, 2005, and the last available year. Present the result in your project as a table.
Write a report (1-2 pages double-spaced) about the results you received.

In this paper consider, but do not be limited to the following:

- Compare the distribution of unemployment by duration over these years. What relationship, if any, do you find?

- Starting in the early 1990s many U.S. firms downsized their operations. In your opinion, how did this affect the duration of unemployment?

- Demographic studies show that the proportion of teenagers and minorities in the U.S. population is likely to increase in the near future. In your opinion, what implications, if any, will this trend have on the natural rate of unemployment?

Paper should be in APA format

Reference no: EM131380739

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2/2/2017 5:00:56 AM

Part 3: Unemployment Data by Labor Force Groups and Duration : Not Accessible. 0 Percent Virtually no effort to complete part 3 of the exercise; not worthy of credit. Only a superficial effort to complete part 3 of the exercise. The project contains required data for Unemployment by Labor Force Groups and Duration, but the analysis should be considerably more developed Very good effort in collecting Unemployment Data by Labor Force Groups and Duration, and analyzing the results Excellent and very thorough development and articulation in presenting and analyzing the data Unemployment Data by Labor Force Groups and Duration .


2/2/2017 5:00:50 AM

Part 2: The Inflation Rate (50% of the assignment grade) Virtually no effort to complete part 2 of the exercise; not worthy of credit. Only a superficial effort to complete part 2 of the exercise. The project contains some data for the inflation rate, but the analysis should be considerably more developed Good effort is made to present and analyze the data in the inflation rate. Excellent and very thorough development and articulation in presenting and analyzing the data in for the inflation rate.


2/2/2017 5:00:44 AM

DATA EXERCISE #2 Part 1: The Unemployment Rate (50% of the assignment grade) Virtually no effort to complete part 1 of the exercise; not worthy of credit. Only a superficial effort to complete part 1 of the exercise. The project contains some data for the unemployment rate, but the analysis should be considerably more developed Good effort is made to present and analyze the data in the unemployment rate. Excellent and very thorough development and articulation in presenting and analyzing the data in the unemployment rate.

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