What were the strengths and limitations of the methods used

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Reference no: EM132313603

ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW – Critical appraisal of evidence

For Assessment students are required to demonstrate their ability to reflect on a health scenario and critically appraise the evidence


Critically appraise the research paper provided in LEO located under the Assessment 3 tile, and read the corresponding health scenario. The research paper should be accessed as a full text and critically appraised using the questions identified in Part A & B, which are based on Greenhalgh et al. (2018). The research paper being critically appraised should be written as a full reference at the beginning of the essay (and included in the reference list). The paper should be referenced in-text according to APA (i.e. author, year) required for direct quotes only.

Small/short headings may be used. Do not repeat the questions or scenario.

Part A

Consider the strengths and limitations (critically appraise) the research paper using the following questions. Each paragraph should be supported with a high quality, valid, varied academic reference. This reference is supporting your knowledge and understanding of critical appraisal related to the research paper.


1. Discuss the strengths and limitations of the:

a. Authors’ expertise, based on their cited qualifications and affiliations;

b. Possible conflicts of interest or possible grounds for bias in the paper.

Research Questions, aim or hypothesis

2. Outline the research study’s question/s, aim or hypothesis and present the author’s justification/s as to why their study was needed.

Research Design

3. Discuss the research design and how the authors justified their choice of design for their stated research question.

Research Methods

4. Discuss the methods the researchers used for: selecting study participants and for collecting and analysing data?

What were the strengths and limitations of the methods used?

Results and limitation of the study

5. Discuss whether the results/conclusions of the study answer the research study’s question/s.

Describe how the limitations impact the application of the study findings?

Part B

Application of research evidence into clinical practice considering the given scenario and clinical question.

Adoption of research findings is often restricted due to a range of key enablers and barriers. Reflecting on your scenario describe some of the enablers and barriers to the uptake of your papers research findings.

Length and/or format: Assessment 3 (Part a & b) should not exceed 1200

Purpose: The written assignment is required to provide the students with an opportunity to demonstrate fundamental skills required for sound appraisal of research. These assessments are designed to engage students with content that will build knowledge which, by the conclusion of this programme, will allow the student to graduate as a health care professional who can locate and critically appraise discipline specific literature.

Reference no: EM132313603

Questions Cloud

Topic - Warm farming of aluminium alloys : Topic - Warm farming of aluminium alloys. Need all files that is word file and software files. Need all temperature graphs in word file
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What were the strengths and limitations of the methods used : HLSC122 - Evidence for Practice -ACU-Discuss the methods the researchers used for: selecting study participants and for collecting and analysing data?
Local ford dealer to haul materials : Darius purchased a new Ford Truck from his local Ford dealer to haul materials, stone, and bricks for his landscape business.
Goal of civil cases is to make the plaintiff : The Differences Between a Criminal Case and a Civil include all of the following except A, criminal cases are prosecuted by the government B
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Vertical minimum and maximum price-fixing : Define (1) horizontal price-fixing and (2) vertical minimum and maximum price-fixing. Discuss the status of each type of price fixing under antitrust laws.



5/29/2019 4:48:44 AM

here should be 2 part Part A Authorship Research questions Research design Research methods Results and discussion Part b Barriers Conclusion Should not exceed 1200 So 1100 to 1200 I prefer my materials to be used So, the referencing will be done in APA style There is this book understanding research methods for evidence-based practice in health

Write a Review

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