Reference no: EM131414165
? Chipotle outbreak of E. coli resulting in shutdowns of many of its restaurants in 2015
Analyze the leadership practices of the organization in the case study, and define the practices that leaders used to create collaborative and successful teams, or failed to effect successful working relations resulting in negative conditions.
Conduct Research
In previous steps, you studied organizational behavior, and then the team chose a case and agreed to a project plan. Now it is time to do a closer read of the chosen case and do any additional research. Revisit guidelines on conducting research, if needed. Then look at Table 1, which provides some topics for your search strategies. In your search, you should consult scholarly resources as well as online resources, newspapers, and business blogs and sites for similar contemporary cases.
Table 1
Topics to Consider as They Apply to Your Team's Case
1. Principles of teamwork within an organization: What were the practices of this organization, and how did these practices influence the issue and challenges the project team and leader confronted?
2. Best practices for leaders: What practices did the team (or leadership) employ that influenced the outcome, leading to resolution of the crisis, or further exacerbating the situation?
3. How the composition of leadership influences outcomes: Were there unique characteristics of the project team and leaders?
4. Judging the success of project teams, immediate and longer term: Are there any unique issues, challenges, or practices relevant to the leaders, industry, or company?
Chose public agency and analyze its organizational structure
: Chose a public agency and analyze its organizational structure. Which of the following designs might categorize the organization?
Provide a detailed description of the issues
: Provide a detailed description of the issues that you have researched. Analyze the most significant economic effects of the researched issues on healthcare industry. Provide at least two (2) examples of these issues to support your response.
What were the initial hypotheses for this study
: Provide the citation and a written summary of your answers to the following questions: What is the research problem? What is the purpose statement? What were the initial hypotheses for this study? What was the study design
Apply the four aspects of designing business presentations
: Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation that should be 5 to 10 minutes in length. Please include detailed speaker notes, based on the Week 4 Persuasive Messages Part I & Part II assignment.
What were the practices of the given organization
: Principles of teamwork within an organization: What were the practices of this organization, and how did these practices influence the issue and challenges the project team and leader confronted?
Economic circumstances in the industry
: Are there economic circumstances in the industry or the economy at large under which you might expect to see a price war break out?
Developing the philosophical thesis statement
: Conduct research using library resources - Outline your essay, considering deontological ethics, teleological ethics, moral objectivism, and ethical relativism in your argument and Provide at least 3 valid reasons to support your argument.
Explain the pathophysiologic processes of health
: Explain the pathophysiologic processes of select health conditions. Predict clinical manifestations and complications of select disease processes
Differentiated producers of commercial aircraft
: U.S.-based Boeing and Europe's Airbus compete as differentiated producers of commercial aircraft in the global market. Suppose that the Export-Import Bank of the United States provides a guaranteed, low-cost loan to finance Boeing's operations on..