Reference no: EM132949486
Book: Organizational Change (An Action Oriented Toolkit) 4e Deszca, Gene; Ingols, Cynthia A.; Cawsey, Tupper F.. Organizational Change (p. i). SAGE Publications
DQ#06: Toolkit Exercise 6.3 - Chapter 6
Toolkit Exercise 6.3
Perceived Impact of Change
1. Consider the impact of a change on an organization you are familiar with and then consider the impact on the individuals concerned. What were the impacts on the organization? What were the impacts on the individuals? Were these impacts both positive? Are you certain they were perceived that way?
2. What were the perceived costs of change? Who perceived these? Were the perceptions accurate? How could they be influenced?
3. What were the perceived benefits of change? Were the perceptions accurate? What was the probability of achieving these benefits? Were the employees and managers dissatisfied with the present state? Why? What were the costs of not changing?
4. Did the organization incur the costs of change prior to the benefits? If so, why did the organization agree to this risk? (i.e., incurring rather definite costs but indefinite benefits?)