Reference no: EM133354241
1.What were the main challenges of war mobilization for both governments?
2.How did both governments raise troops?
3.How did both governments finance their war efforts?
4.What was the Legal Tender Act?
5.Why was the National Bank Act important?
6.What experience did Jefferson Davis bring to the presidency of the CSA?
7.Who were the Radical republicans and how did they help or hurt Lincoln?
8.Why was the relationship between Davis and VP Stephens important?
9.What was Lincoln's policy towards the Border States like Kentucky?
10.How was the war modern and a throw-back?
11.What was the Anaconda Plan and who was it's author?
12.What were the main theaters of the war?
13.Why was the Confederacy militarily superior in the first two years of war?
14.Name and main Confederate armies and commanders
15.Name the main Union armies and commanders.
16.What were 'political generals' and why a problem for Lincoln?
17.What were the main battles of 1861-1862 in the East?
18.How significant was Antietam and why?
19.Where was the Battle of Shiloh fought and how significant?
20.How was New Orleans captured?
21.How important were southern rivers?
22.Why was the Western Theater such a problem for the Davis government?
23.How did Union soldiers feel about slavery or serving with Black troops?
24.How significant was the issue of desertion?
25.How important was the naval war?
26.How effective was Southern diplomacy?
27.How effective was Northern diplomacy?
28.What was Europe's view of the war?
29.Why did France and Britain support the Confederacy?
30.What was the Trent Affair?
31.What did the Emancipation Proclamation actually do?
32. What was 'confiscation'?
33.What was the Woman's National Loyal league?
34. How important was the 'Sanitary Commission?
35.What were Frederick Douglass's views on Black troops?
36.What were the major battles of 1863-1865 in the East and the West?
37.Why were Gettysburg and Vicksburg so significant?
38.How effective were Grant and Sherman as commanders?
39.How important was Lee's leadership?
40.What was the war's economic impact on both sides?
41.What was the Homestead Act and Morrill Land Grant Act?
42.Who were the 'Copperheads'?
43.How were women impacted by the war North and South?
44.Was Lincoln a 'dictator' as critics alleged?
45.How important was the Atlanta campaign? Grant's Overland Campaign?
46.How can Sherman's the March to the Sea be justified?
47.Why did Petersburg and Richmond fall?
48.What happened with Grant and Lee at Appomattox that avoided a protracted guerilla war?