What were the main arguments within your selected articles

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Reference no: EM133425568

Question: In the past, the court system took a hands-off approach when it dealt with issues surrounding incarcerated individuals. Inmates were once viewed as outcast members of society, and their individual rights were overlooked. However, since the 1960s, the number of petitions filed in court by inmates have increased drastically. Inmates have become more knowledgeable of their rights as incarcerated men and women and have since increasingly continued to exercise their legal right to petition the court. For this discussion, select 2 articles, one of which must be a scholarly article pertaining to prisoners' rights, and focus your discussion on the following:

Make sure to list the two articles and that they are scholarly article and possibly peer reviewed

Why have prisoners, historically, had very few rights?
What were the main arguments within your selected articles?
Do you agree with the authors? Explain.

Reference no: EM133425568

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