What were the lessons you found the most interesting

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Reference no: EM133504391

Discussion Post

Part 1

List organizations to which you belong, or choose one organization which you may be interested in joining. If you could go beyond these definitions to describe the uniqueness of your organization (e.g., specific symbols, practices, rituals), what would you look at and how?

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner's Cultural Differences

Universalist - Particularlist
Individualism - Communitarianism
Neutral - Affective
Specific - Diffusive
Achievement - Ascription

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

Individualism - Collectivism
Power Distance
Masculinity - Femininity
Uncertainty Avoidance
Long-Short Term Orientation

Part 2

What were the lessons, readings or assignments you found the most interesting or were particularly helpful for you to apply to real-world scenarios? Explain your response.

Reference no: EM133504391

Questions Cloud

What caused the hyperinflation : What caused the hyperinflation and What were the results of the hyperinflation on people in the country
List examples of classifications of nonverbal behaviors : List and give examples of five different classifications of nonverbal behaviors from a culture or co-culture to which you belong.
How does it compare with the short-run equilibrium price : How do they compare with Y0 and P0 and Explain intuitively and illustrate your answers using a graph
Importance of patient satisfaction surveys : Provide a perspective on the importance of patient satisfaction surveys.
What were the lessons you found the most interesting : What were the lessons, readings or assignments you found the most interesting or were particularly helpful for you to apply to real-world scenarios?
Organizational structure in health care : What impact does organizational culture have on organizational structure in health care? Provide an example.
What has happened to her nominal and real wages : Suppose, she gets paid at $20 per hour and the CPI rises to 232.3 next year. What has happened to her nominal and real wages
Describe the relationship between communication and culture : Demonstrate your ability to describe the relationship between communication and culture and discuss specific verbal and nonverbal differences and similarities.
Explain how a relative increase in australia : Explain how a relative increase in australia intrest rate will impact australia exports and imports . discuss the effect it will have on Australias current


Write a Review

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