What were the goals of the latin american independentistas

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131417233

What were the goals of the Latin American independentistas (those who rose up in favor of Independence from Spain) during the Wars of Independence? To what extent were their goals realized in the nineteenth century?

3 Page Paper not including citation page, MLA citation

Answering this question will require that you synthesize (that is, briefly summarize) passages from our textbook (BORN IN BLOOD & FIRE 4th EDITION), especially chapter 4 and the assigned portions of chapters 5 and 6. You may also draw on the primary documents we read in class related to Independence, such as the documents by Miguel Hidalgo and José María Morelos (available on Blackboard).

Your answer should draw ONLY on the relevant materials from our class, such as the textbook, primary documents, your notes from our class lectures and discussions, and possibly the clip from the film The Liberator that we watched in class. Do not use any outside sources.



The essay has a thesis or topic sentence that is interesting and substantial. The central idea is developed through concrete examples. Arguments are logical. Essay draws on and correctly applies themes, concepts and terms from class. Demonstrates a thorough command of relevant assigned materials.


The essay is organized and well structured (there is a beginning, a body, and a conclusion). Essay does not digress from central point. Transitions help the paper flow smoothly.


Paragraphs are organized, unified and coherent. Each supporting paragraph has a controlling idea (which may be expressed in a topic sentence). In supporting paragraphs, topic idea helps further the thesis.


Correct grammar (comma splices, fragments, fused sentences, agreement, etc.), spelling, and mechanics (margins, format, etc.). Uses proper citation.

Reference no: EM131417233

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