Reference no: EM133832317
Question 1) Pythagoras left a proposal about a theory that was very well regarded during his time, which placed the study of music in direct relationship with the study of the planets. In this theory he stated that "the Sun, Moon, and planets all emit their own unique hum, a type of orbital sound, based on the orbital movement, and that although imperceptible for the human ear, these sounds have an effect in the way we live on earth". This theory is called:
A. Music of the Spheres
B. Pythagoras' Theory of Music
C. Moon, Sun, and music
D. The Greeks and their Music
Question 2) Greek ancient times encompass the period approximately between
A. BC 800 to AD 450
B. 1600 to 1750
C. 450 to 1450
D. 1750 to 1820
Question 3) Which instrument of the following list was the most used and portrayed in sculptures and writings of the Greeks and Romans, during the period known as Classical Antiquity or Greek Ancient Period? Get expert help with your assignments!
A. Guitar
B. Piano
C. Lyre
Question 4) What is the name of the first type of music composition that has survived in writing?
A. Symphony
B. Melody
C. Harmony
D. Madrigal
Question 5) One of the personalities below plays a very important role in the compilation of religious music of the Middle Ages. This person organized and compiled the different chants, assigned the chants for the different parts of the mass, and assigned chants for the different celebrations and services of the year.
A. J. S. Bach
B. L. v. Beethoven
C. Pope Gregory I
Question 6) The musical texture in which a melodic line is accompanied by a harmonic instrument is called:
A. Homophonic D. Monophonic
B. Polyphonic E. Stereophonic
C. Dodecaphonic
Question 7) Where was polyphonic music first developed and when?
A. The Parthenon around AD 40
B. Notre Dame de Paris, Middle Ages
C. Italy, in the Renaissance
D. Germany, in the Baroque era
Question 8) The musical texture of the music known with the name of "plain chant" or "Gregorian Chant" is:
A. Homophonic
B. Polyphonic
C. Dodecaphonic
D. Monophonic
Question 9) What were the cultural and musical centers of Europe during the Middle Ages?
A. Greece, the Parthenon
B. France, Notre Dame Cathedral
C. Italy, St. Peter's Cathedral
Question 10) What are the names of important composers of the Middle Ages?
A. Pope Gregory I
B. Leonin
C. George F. Handel
D. Johan Sebastian Bach
Question 11) What was the most popular string instrument during the Renaissance?
A. Violin
B. Harp
C. Lyre
D. Lute
E. Guitar
Question 12) Name the following instruments. Word bank: organ, harpsichord, lyre, lute, violin, piano, cello, flute, bassoon, celesta, tuba, bass, theorbo, clarinet, oboe.
Question 13) The Baroque period time frame is:
A. BC 800 to AD 450
B. 1600 to 1750
C. 450 to 1450
D. 1750 to 1820
E. 1450 to 1600
Question 14) One of the most important genres of music during the Renaissance is:
A. Fugue
B. Organum
C. Madrigal
Question 15) The Renaissance Period is contained within which time frame?
A. 450-1000
Question 16) The concept of word painting of the music of the Renaissance means:
A. The melody and harmony convey the meaning of the text
B. The text reflects colorful images
C. The music was written using different color inks
D. The music conveys different emotions, every emotion gets a different tone
Question 17) True or false
________Pope Gregory I was an important figure of the Renaissance period
________ Polyphonic music flourished during the Renaissance period
________ The Harpsichord was a very popular instrument during the Ancient Greek period
________ The Baroque period started right after the Renaissance
________ Leonin and Perotin were important musicians of the Middle Ages
________ The secular music of the Middle Ages was made by the Troubadours and Trouveres
Question 18) Who was Hildegard von Bingen? (1098-1179)
A woman composer of the Middle Ages
A women regarded in her time as a poet and prophet
A woman who wrote compositions in the style of the Gregorian Chant
All of the above
Bonus Questions:
Male Baroque singers used by Frederic Handel in many of his operas were known with a particular name. What was it?
What is the meaning of the word Baroque?
The opera is a musical genre originated in what period?